{"id": 105, "country": 1, "name_short": "AGALEV; Groen", "name": "Agalev; Groen!", "name_english": "Agalev; Green!"} {"id": 3401, "country": 34, "name_short": "AKP", "name": "Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi", "name_english": "Justice and Development Party"} {"id": 805, "country": 8, "name_short": "AN", "name": "Alleanza Nazionale", "name_english": "National Alliance"} {"id": 2806, "country": 28, "name_short": "ANO", "name": "Aliancia Nov\u00e9ho Ob\u010dana", "name_english": "Alliance for a New Citizen"} {"id": 2909, "country": 29, "name_short": "AS", "name": "Aktivna Slovenija", "name_english": "Active Slovenia"} {"id": 2608, "country": 26, "name_short": "AWSP", "name": "Koalicja Akcja Wyborcza Solidarno\u015b\u0107 Prawicy", "name_english": "Coalition Electoral Action Solidarity of the Right"} {"id": 3406, "country": 34, "name_short": "BDP", "name": "Baris ve Demokrasi Partisi", "name_english": "Peace and Democracy Party"} {"id": 3612, "country": 36, "name_short": "BDP", "name": "", "name_english": "Conservative Democratic Party"} {"id": 1208, "country": 12, "name_short": "BE", "name": "Bloco de Esquerda", "name_english": "Left Bloc"} {"id": 513, "country": 5, "name_short": "BNG", "name": "Bloque Nacionalista Galego", "name_english": "Galician Nationalist Bloc"} {"id": 1109, "country": 11, "name_short": "BNP", "name": "British National Party", "name_english": "British National Party"} {"id": 2009, "country": 20, "name_short": "BNS", "name": "B\u0103lgarski Naroden S\u0103juz", "name_english": "Bulgarian People's Union"} {"id": 1307, "country": 13, "name_short": "BZ\u00d6", "name": "B\u00fcndnis Zukunft \u00d6sterreich", "name_english": "Alliance for the Future of Austria"} {"id": 1603, "country": 16, "name_short": "C", "name": "Centerpartiet", "name_english": "Center Party"} {"id": 517, "country": 5, "name_short": "CC", "name": "Coalicion Canaria", "name_english": "Coalicion Canaria"} {"id": 814, "country": 8, "name_short": "CCD; UDC", "name": "Centro Cristiano Democratico; Unione dei Democratici Cristiani e die Democratici di Centro", "name_english": "Christian Democratic Center; Union of Christian and Center Democrats"} {"id": 204, "country": 2, "name_short": "CD", "name": "Centrum-Demokraterne", "name_english": "Centre Democrats"} {"id": 1009, "country": 10, "name_short": "CD", "name": "Centrum Democraten", "name_english": "Center Democrats"} {"id": 1001, "country": 10, "name_short": "CDA", "name": "Christen-Democratisch Appel", "name_english": "Christian Democratic Appeal"} {"id": 2707, "country": 27, "name_short": "CDR 2000", "name": "Conven\u0163ia Democrat\u0103 Rom\u00e2n\u0103", "name_english": "Romanian Democratic Convention 2000"} {"id": 1202, "country": 12, "name_short": "CDS/PP,", "name": "Centro Democr\u00e1tico e Social/ Partido Popular", "name_english": "Democratic and Social Center/People's\u00a0 Party"} {"id": 301, "country": 3, "name_short": "CDU", "name": "Christlich Demokratische Union", "name_english": "Christian Democratic Union"} {"id": 818, "country": 8, "name_short": "CDU", "name": "Cristiani Democratici Uniti", "name_english": "United Christian Democrats"} {"id": 1201, "country": 12, "name_short": "CDU", "name": "Coliga\u00e7\u00e3o Democr\u00e1tica Unit\u00e1ria", "name_english": "Unitarian Democratic Coalition"} {"id": 520, "country": 5, "name_short": "CHA", "name": "Chunta Aragonesista", "name_english": "Aragonese Council"} {"id": 3402, "country": 34, "name_short": "CHP", "name": "Cumhuriyet Halk Partisia", "name_english": "Republican People's Party"} {"id": 2306, "country": 23, "name_short": "CP", "name": "Centrump\u00e1rt", "name_english": "Centre Party"} {"id": 619, "country": 6, "name_short": "CPNT", "name": "Chasse, P\u00eache, Nature, Traditions", "name_english": "Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition Party"} {"id": 3611, "country": 36, "name_short": "CSP/PCS", "name": "", "name_english": "Christian Social Party"} {"id": 2101, "country": 21, "name_short": "CSSD", "name": "Cesk\u00e1 strana soci\u00e1lne demokratick\u00e1", "name_english": "Czech Social Democratic Party"} {"id": 308, "country": 3, "name_short": "CSU", "name": "Christlich Soziale Union in Bayern", "name_english": "Christian Social Union in Bavaria"} {"id": 1016, "country": 10, "name_short": "CU", "name": "Christen Unie", "name_english": "Christian Union"} {"id": 817, "country": 8, "name_short": "CU/UD", "name": "Unione Democratica", "name_english": "Democratic Union"} {"id": 3604, "country": 36, "name_short": "CVP/PVC", "name": "", "name_english": "Christian Dem People's Party"} {"id": 109, "country": 1, "name_short": "CVP; CD&V", "name": "Christelijke Volkspartij; Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams", "name_english": "Christian People\u2019s Party; Christian Democratic & Flemish"} {"id": 505, "country": 5, "name_short": "CiU", "name": "Converg\u00e8ncia i Uni\u00f3", "name_english": "Convergence and Unity"} {"id": 1101, "country": 11, "name_short": "Cons", "name": "Conservative Party", "name_english": "Conservative Party"} {"id": 521, "country": 5, "name_short": "CpE", "name": " Coalicion por Europa", "name_english": "Coalition for Europe"} {"id": 618, "country": 6, "name_short": "D", "name": "La Droite", "name_english": "The Right"} {"id": 1004, "country": 10, "name_short": "D66", "name": "Democraten 66", "name_english": "Democrats 66"} {"id": 819, "country": 8, "name_short": "DEM; DL", "name": "I Democratici; Democrazia \u00e8 Libert\u00e0-La Margherita", "name_english": "The Democrats; Democracy is Freedom\u2014The Daisy"} {"id": 215, "country": 2, "name_short": "DF", "name": "Dansk Folkeparti", "name_english": "Danish People's Party"} {"id": 409, "country": 4, "name_short": "DIKKI", "name": "Dimokratiko Kinoniko Kinima", "name_english": "Democratic Social Movement"} {"id": 615, "country": 6, "name_short": "DL", "name": "D\u00e9mocratie Lib\u00e9rale", "name_english": "Liberal Democracy"} {"id": 3501, "country": 35, "name_short": "DNA", "name": "Det norske Arbeiderparti", "name_english": "Norwegian Labour Party"} {"id": 2516, "country": 25, "name_short": "DP", "name": "Darbo partija", "name_english": "Labour Party"} {"id": 2004, "country": 20, "name_short": "DPS", "name": "Dvi\u017eenie za Prava i Svobodi", "name_english": "Movement for Rights and Freedoms"} {"id": 2008, "country": 20, "name_short": "DSB", "name": "Demokrati za Silna B\u0103lgarija", "name_english": "Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria"} {"id": 309, "country": 3, "name_short": "DVU", "name": "Deutsche Volksunion", "name_english": "German People\u2019s Union"} {"id": 3404, "country": 34, "name_short": "DYP", "name": "Demokrat Parti", "name_english": "Democratic Party"} {"id": 2906, "country": 29, "name_short": "DeSUS", "name": "Demokrati\u010dna stranka upokojencev Slovenije", "name_english": "Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia"} {"id": 507, "country": 5, "name_short": "EA", "name": "Eusko Alkartasuna", "name_english": "Basque Solidarity"} {"id": 104, "country": 1, "name_short": "ECOLO", "name": "Ecolo", "name_english": "Ecolo"} {"id": 3608, "country": 36, "name_short": "EDU/UDF", "name": "", "name_english": "Federal Democratic Union"} {"id": 2207, "country": 22, "name_short": "EER", "name": "Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised", "name_english": "Estonian Greens"} {"id": 508, "country": 5, "name_short": "EH", "name": "Euskal Herritarrok", "name_english": "We Basque Citizens"} {"id": 2202, "country": 22, "name_short": "EK", "name": "Eesti Keskerakond", "name_english": "Estonian Center Party"} {"id": 1411, "country": 14, "name_short": "EKA", "name": "El\u00e4kel\u00e4iset Kansan Asialla", "name_english": "Pensioners for the People"} {"id": 213, "country": 2, "name_short": "EL", "name": "Enhedslisten", "name_english": "Unity List-Red/Green Alliance"} {"id": 2203, "country": 22, "name_short": "ER", "name": "Eesti Reformierakond", "name_english": "Estonian Reform Party"} {"id": 511, "country": 5, "name_short": "ERC", "name": "Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya", "name_english": "Republican Left of Catalonia"} {"id": 2206, "country": 22, "name_short": "ERL", "name": "Eestimaa Rahvaliit", "name_english": "Estonian People's Union"} {"id": 3607, "country": 36, "name_short": "EVP/PEV", "name": "", "name_english": "Evangelical People's Party"} {"id": 522, "country": 5, "name_short": "EdP-V", "name": "Europa de los Pueblos-Los Verdes", "name_english": "Europe of the Peoples-Greens"} {"id": 111, "country": 1, "name_short": "FDF/RW", "name": "Front D\u00e9mocratique des Francophones", "name_english": "Francophone Democratic Front"} {"id": 2708, "country": 27, "name_short": "FDGR", "name": "Forumul Democrat al Germanilor din Rom\u00e2nia", "name_english": "Democratic Forum of Germans of Romania"} {"id": 303, "country": 3, "name_short": "FDP", "name": "Freie Demokratische Partei", "name_english": "Free Democratic Party"} {"id": 3603, "country": 36, "name_short": "FDP/PLR", "name": "", "name_english": "The Liberals"} {"id": 701, "country": 7, "name_short": "FF", "name": "Fianna Fail", "name_english": "Soldiers of Destiny"} {"id": 702, "country": 7, "name_short": "FG", "name": "Fine Gael", "name_english": "Family of the Irish"} {"id": 815, "country": 8, "name_short": "FI", "name": "Forza Italia", "name_english": "Forward Italy"} {"id": 115, "country": 1, "name_short": "FN", "name": "Front National", "name_english": "National Front"} {"id": 610, "country": 6, "name_short": "FN", "name": "Front National", "name_english": "National Front"} {"id": 212, "country": 2, "name_short": "FP", "name": "Fremskridtspartiet", "name_english": "Progress Party"} {"id": 1604, "country": 16, "name_short": "FP", "name": "Folkpartiet liberalerna", "name_english": "Liberal People's Party"} {"id": 1303, "country": 13, "name_short": "FP\u00d6", "name": "Freiheitliche Partei \u00d6sterreichs", "name_english": "Freedom Party of Austria"} {"id": 2519, "country": 25, "name_short": "FRONT", "name": "Fronto Partija", "name_english": "Front Party"} {"id": 2302, "country": 23, "name_short": "Fidesz-M", "name": "Fidesz-Magyar Polg\u00e1ri Sz\u00f6vets\u00e9g", "name_english": "Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Union"} {"id": 217, "country": 2, "name_short": "FolkB", "name": "Folkebev\u00e6gelsen mod EU", "name_english": "People's Movement Against the EU"} {"id": 3502, "country": 35, "name_short": "FrP", "name": "Fremskrittspartiet", "name_english": "Progress Party"} {"id": 2005, "country": 20, "name_short": "G-VMRO", "name": "Dvi\u017eenie Gergiovden", "name_english": "Gergiovden-VMRO"} {"id": 2010, "country": 20, "name_short": "GERB", "name": "Grazhdani za evropeysko razvitie na Balgariya", "name_english": "Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria"} {"id": 1005, "country": 10, "name_short": "GL", "name": "Groen Links", "name_english": "Green Left"} {"id": 3606, "country": 36, "name_short": "GLP/PVL", "name": "", "name_english": "Green Liberal Party"} {"id": 705, "country": 7, "name_short": "GP", "name": "Green Party", "name_english": "Green Party"} {"id": 3405, "country": 34, "name_short": "GP", "name": "Genc Parti", "name_english": "Youth Party"} {"id": 3605, "country": 36, "name_short": "GPS/PES", "name": "", "name_english": "Green Party"} {"id": 1007, "country": 10, "name_short": "GPV", "name": "Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond", "name_english": "Reformed Political League"} {"id": 1107, "country": 11, "name_short": "Greens", "name": "Green Party", "name_english": "Green Party"} {"id": 1304, "country": 13, "name_short": "Gr\u00fcne", "name": "Die Gr\u00fcnen", "name_english": "The Austrian Green Party"} {"id": 304, "country": 3, "name_short": "Gr\u00fcnen", "name": "B\u00fcndnis '90/Die Gr\u00fcnen", "name_english": "Alliance 90/The Greens"} {"id": 3503, "country": 35, "name_short": "H", "name": "Hoyre", "name_english": "Conservative Party"} {"id": 3107, "country": 31, "name_short": "HDSSB", "name": "Hrvatski demokratski sabor Slavonije i Baranje", "name_english": "Croatian Democratic Assebly of Slavonija and Baranja"} {"id": 3105, "country": 31, "name_short": "HNS", "name": "Hrvatska narodna stranka-Liberalni Demokrati", "name_english": "Croatian People's Party- Liberal Democrats"} {"id": 3104, "country": 31, "name_short": "HSLS", "name": "Hrvatska socijalno liberalna stranka", "name_english": "Croatian Social Liberal Party"} {"id": 3109, "country": 31, "name_short": "HSP", "name": "Hrvatska stranka prava", "name_english": "Croatian Party of Rights"} {"id": 3103, "country": 31, "name_short": "HSS", "name": "Hrvatska Seljacka stranka", "name_english": "Croatian Peasant Party"} {"id": 3108, "country": 31, "name_short": "HSU", "name": "Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika", "name_english": "Croatian Party Of Pensioners"} {"id": 2810, "country": 28, "name_short": "HZD", "name": "Hnutie za demokraciu", "name_english": "Movement for Democracy"} {"id": 3101, "country": 31, "name_short": "HZD", "name": "Hrvatska demokratska zajednica", "name_english": "Croatian Democratic Union"}