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"id": 11620, "name_short": "", "name": "Hogerpartiet", "name_english": "Right Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 11, "label": "New Zealand"}} {"rowid": 7, "id": 11810, "name_short": "", "name": "Bondeforbundet", "name_english": "Agrarian Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 11, "label": "New Zealand"}} {"rowid": 8, "id": 11951, "name_short": "NyD", "name": "Ny Demokrati", "name_english": "New Democracy", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 11, "label": "New Zealand"}} {"rowid": 9, "id": 12220, "name_short": "NKP", "name": "Norges Kommunistiske Parti", "name_english": "Norwegian Communist Party", "comment": "", "country": 12} {"rowid": 10, "id": 12221, "name_short": "", "name": "Sosialistisk Folkeparti", "name_english": "Socialist People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 12} {"rowid": 11, "id": 12320, "name_short": "DNA", "name": "Det Norske Arbeiderparti", "name_english": "Norwegian Labour Party", "comment": "", "country": 12} {"rowid": 12, "id": 12410, 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{"rowid": 27, "id": 13421, "name_short": "DU", "name": "De Uafh\u00e6ngige", "name_english": "Independents' Party", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 28, "id": 13422, "name_short": "LC", "name": "Liberalt Centrum", "name_english": "Liberal Centre", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 29, "id": 13520, "name_short": "KrF", "name": "Kristeligt Folkeparti", "name_english": "Christian People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 30, "id": 13620, "name_short": "KF", "name": "Konservative Folkeparti", "name_english": "Conservative People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 31, "id": 13720, "name_short": "DF", "name": "Danske Folkeparti", "name_english": "Danish People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 32, "id": 13951, "name_short": "FP", "name": "Fremkridtspartiet", "name_english": "Progress Party", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 33, "id": 13952, "name_short": "RF", "name": "Retsforbund", "name_english": "Justice 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"comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 40, "id": 14320, "name_short": "SSDP", "name": "Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue", "name_english": "Finnish Social Democrats", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 41, "id": 14420, "name_short": "", "name": "Kansallinen Edistyspuolue", "name_english": "National Progressive Party", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 42, "id": 14430, "name_short": "NSP", "name": "Nuorsuomalainen Puolue", "name_english": "Progressive Finnish Party, also known as Young Finns", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 43, "id": 14520, "name_short": "SKL", "name": "Suomen Kristillinen Liitto", "name_english": "Finnish Christian Union", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 44, "id": 14620, "name_short": "KK", "name": "Kansallinen Kokoomus", "name_english": "National Coalition", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 45, "id": 14810, "name_short": "", "name": "Maalaisliitto", "name_english": "Agrarian Union", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 46, "id": 14820, "name_short": "", "name": "Suomen Pientalonpoiken Puolue", "name_english": "Finnish Smallholder\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 47, "id": 14901, "name_short": "RKP/ SFP", "name": "Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue/Svenska Folkpartiet", "name_english": "Swedish People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 48, "id": 15111, "name_short": "VGF", "name": "Vinstrihreyfing \u2013 Gr\u00e6nt Frambod", "name_english": "Left Green Movement", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 49, "id": 15220, "name_short": "", "name": "S\u00f3si\u00e1listaflokkurinn", "name_english": "United Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 50, "id": 15320, "name_short": "A", "name": "Al\u00feh\u00fd\u00f0uflokkurinn", "name_english": "Social Democratic Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 51, "id": 15321, "name_short": "BJ", "name": "Bandalag 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"Independence Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 57, "id": 15621, "name_short": "Bf", "name": "Borgaraflokkurinn", "name_english": "Citizens' Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 58, "id": 15710, "name_short": "Tf", "name": "\u00fejodvarnarflokkurinn", "name_english": "National Preservation Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 59, "id": 15810, "name_short": "F", "name": "Frams\u00f3knarflokkurinn", "name_english": "Progressive Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 60, "id": 15951, "name_short": "Kv", "name": "Samt\u00f6k um Kvennalista", "name_english": "Women\u2019s Alliance", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 61, "id": 21111, "name_short": "ECOLO", "name": "\u00c9cologistes Conf\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9s pour l\u2019Organisation de Luttes Originales", "name_english": "Francophone Ecologists", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 62, "id": 21112, "name_short": "AGA LEV", "name": "Anders Gaan Leven", "name_english": "Live Differently -- Flemish-speaking Ecologists, also called Groen!", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 63, "id": 21320, "name_short": "BSP/PSB", "name": "Belgische Socialistische Partij/Parti Socialiste Belge", "name_english": "Belgian Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 64, "id": 21321, "name_short": "BSP", "name": "Belgische Socialistische Partij", "name_english": "Flemish Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 65, "id": 21322, "name_short": "PS", "name": "Parti Socialiste", "name_english": "Francophone Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 66, "id": 21420, "name_short": "LP/PL", "name": "Liberale Partij/Parti lib\u00e9ral", "name_english": "Liberal Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 67, "id": 21421, "name_short": "PVV", "name": "Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang", "name_english": "Party of Liberty and Progress", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 68, "id": 21422, "name_short": "PLP", "name": "Parti de la Libert\u00e9 et du Progr\u00e8s", "name_english": "Party of Liberty and Progress", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 69, "id": 21423, "name_short": "PRL-FDF", "name": "Parti R\u00e9formateur Lib\u00e9ral \u2013 Front D\u00e9mocratique des Francophones", "name_english": "Liberal Reformation Party -- Francophone Democratic Front", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 70, "id": 21424, "name_short": "PL", "name": "Parti Lib\u00e9ral", "name_english": "Brussels Liberal Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 71, "id": 21425, "name_short": "PRL-FDF-MCC", "name": "Parti r\u00e9formateur lib\u00e9ral \u2013 Front d\u00e9mocratique francophone \u2013 Mouvement des Citoyens pour la Changement", "name_english": "Liberal Reformation Party -- Francophone Democratic Front -- Citizens\u2019 Movement for Change", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 72, "id": 21520, "name_short": "PSC/CVP", "name": "Parti Social Chr\u00e9tien/Christelijke Volkspartij", "name_english": "Francophone Christian Social Party and Flemish Christian People's Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 73, "id": 21521, "name_short": "CVP", "name": "Christelijke Volkspartij", "name_english": "Christian People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 74, "id": 21522, "name_short": "PSC", "name": "Parti Social Chr\u00e9tien", "name_english": "Christian Social Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 75, "id": 21911, "name_short": "RW", "name": "Rassemblement Wallon", "name_english": "Walloon Rally", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 76, "id": 21912, "name_short": "FDF", "name": "Front D\u00e9mocratique des Bruxellois Francophones", "name_english": "Francophone Democratic Front", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 77, "id": 21913, "name_short": "", "name": "Frontpartij", "name_english": "Front Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 78, "id": 21914, "name_short": "VB", "name": "Vlaams Blok", "name_english": "Flemish Bloc", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 79, "id": 21915, "name_short": "VU-ID21", "name": "De Volksunie \u2013Ideen voor de 21ste eeuw", "name_english": "People\u2019s Union -- Ideas for the 21st century", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 80, "id": 22110, "name_short": "GL", "name": "Groen Links", "name_english": "Green Left", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 81, "id": 22220, "name_short": "SP", "name": "Socialistische Partij", "name_english": "Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 82, "id": 22310, "name_short": "PPR", "name": "Politieke Partij Radicalen", "name_english": "Radical Political Party", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 83, "id": 22320, "name_short": "PvdA", "name": "Partij van de Arbeid", "name_english": "Labour Party", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 84, "id": 22330, "name_short": "D\u201966", "name": "Democraten\u201966", "name_english": "Democrats\u201866", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 85, "id": 22420, "name_short": "VVD", "name": "Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie", "name_english": "People\u2019s Party for Freedom and Democracy", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 86, "id": 22430, "name_short": "LN", "name": "Leefbaar Nederland", "name_english": "Livable 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{"value": 23, "label": "Romania"}} {"rowid": 98, "id": 23320, "name_short": "POSL/LSAP", "name": "Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois/ Letzeburger Sozialistesch Arbeiterpartei", "name_english": "Socialist Workers\u2019 Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 23, "label": "Romania"}} {"rowid": 99, "id": 23420, "name_short": "", "name": "Groupement Patriotique et D\u00e9mocratique", "name_english": "Patriotic and Democratic Group", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 23, "label": "Romania"}} {"rowid": 100, "id": 23520, "name_short": "PCS/CSV", "name": "Parti Chr\u00e9tien Social/Chr\u00ebschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei", "name_english": "Christian Social People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 23, "label": "Romania"}} {"rowid": 101, "id": 23951, "name_short": "ADR", "name": "Aktiounskomitee fir Demokratie a Rentegerechtegkeet", "name_english": "Action Committee for Democracy and Pension Justice", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 23, "label": "Romania"}}