rowid,name,name_english,external_party_ees_fts,rank 101,"SZDSZ, Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége",Alliance of Free Democrats,21, 102,"KDNP, Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt",Christian Democratic Peoples Party,21, 103,Fianna Fail,Fianna Fail,21, 104,Fine Gael,Fine Gael,21, 105,Green Party,Green Party,21, 106,Labour Party,Labour Party,21, 107,Sinn Fein,Sinn Fein,21, 108,Libertas,Libertas,21, 109,an independent candidate,An independent candidate*,21, 110,Popolo della Liberta,The People of Freedom,21, 111,Lega Nord,North League,21, 112,Partido Democratico,Democratic Party,21, 113,Italia dei Valori,Italy of Values,21, 114,Unione di Centro,Union of Christian and Centre Democrats,21, 115,Rifondazione – Comunisti Italiani,Communist Refoundation Party,21, 116,Sinistra e Libertà,Left and Freedom,21, 117,La Destra,The Right,21, 118,Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikscionys demokratai,Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats,21, 119,Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija,Social Democratic Party of Lithuania,21, 120,Tautos prisikėlimo partija,National Resurrection Party,21, 121,Partija “Tvarka ir teisingumas”,Order and Justice Party,21, 122,Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis,Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania,21, 123,Darbo partija,Labour Party,21, 124,Liberalų ir centro sąjunga,Liberal and Centre Union,21, 125,Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija,Election Action of Lithuanias Poles,21, 126,Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga,Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union,21, 127,Naujoji sąjunga (socialliberalai),New Union Social Liberals,21, 128,Déi Gréng,The Greens,21, 129,LSAP,Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party,21, 130,DP,Democratic Party,21, 131,CSV,Christian Social Peoples Party,21, 132,ADR,Alternative Democratic Reform Party,21, 133,Déi Lénk,The Left,21, 134,KPL,Communist Party of Luxembourg,21, 135,Bierger Lëscht (BL),Citizens List,21, 136,Tautas partija,Peoples Party,21, 137,Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība,Union of Greens and Farmers,21, 138,Jaunais laiks,New Era Party,21, 139,“Saskaņas Centrs”,Harmony Centre,21, 140,Latvijas Pirmās partijas un partijas “Latvijas Ceļš” vēlēšanu apvienība,Latvias First Party/Latvias Way,21, 141,Apvienība “Tēvzemei un Brīvībai”/LNNK,For Fatherland and Freedom,21, 142,Politisko organizāciju apvienība “Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā”,For Human Rights in United Latvia,21, 143,Pilsoniskā savienība,Civic Union,21, 144,“Sabiedrība citai politikai“,Society for Other Politics,21, 145,Partit Nazzjonalista,Nationalist Party,21, 146,Partit Laburista,Labour Party,21, 147,Alternativa Demokratika,Democratic Alternative,21, 148,Azzjoni Nazzjonali,National Action,21, 149,PvdA,Labour Party,21, 150,CDA,Christian Democratic Appeal,21, 151,VVD,Peoples Party for Freedom and Democracy,21, 152,D66,Democrats 66,21, 153,Groen Links,Green Left,21, 154,Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD),Party for Animals,21, 155,ChristenUnie,Christian Union,21, 156,SGP,Reformed Political Party,21, 157,SP,Socialist Party,21, 158,PVV (Wilders),Party for Freedom,21, 159,Trots op Nederland TON (Verdonk),Proud of the Netherlands,21, 160,Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe,Polish Peoples Party,21, 161,Libertas,Libertas,21, 162,Koalicyjny Komitet Wyborczy Porozumienie dla Przyszłości - CentroLewica (PD+SDPL+Zieloni 2004),Coalition Agreement for the Future - CenterLeft,21, 163,Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD),Democratic Left Alliance,21, 164,Platforma Obywatelska,Civic Platform,21, 165,Prawo i Sprawiedliwość,Law and Justice,21, 166,Bloco de Esquerda,Left Bloc,21, 167,CDS-PP,Democratic and Social Center - Peoples Party,21, 168,CDU (PCP/PEV),Democratic Union Coalition (Portuguese Communist Party and the Greens),21, 169,PS,Socialist Party,21, 170,PSD,Social Democratic Party,21, 171,"Partidul Democrat-Liberal, PD-L",Democratic Liberal Party,21, 172,"Partidul Social Democrat, PSD",Social Democratic Party,21, 173,"Partidul Naţional Liberal, PNL",National Liberal Party,21, 174,"Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România, UDMR",Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania,21, 175,"Partidul Conservator, PC",Conservative Party,21, 176,"Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc Creştin Democrat, PNŢ-CD",Christian-Democratic National Peasants Party,21, 177,"Partidul România Mare, PRM",Greater Romania Party,21, 178,Vänsterpartiet,Left Party,21, 179,Socialdemokraterna,Social Democrats,21, 180,Centerpartiet,Centre Party,21, 181,Folkpartiet,Liberal Peoples Party,21, 182,Moderaterna,Moderate Party,21, 183,Kristdemokraterna,Christian Democrats,21, 184,Miljöpartiet,Green Party,21, 185,Sverigedemokraterna,Sweden Democrats,21, 186,Piratpartiet,Pirate Party,21, 187,DESUS – Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije,Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia,21, 188,LDS – Liberalna demokracija Slovenije,Liberal Democracy of Slovenia,21, 189,SLS – Slovenska ljudska stranka,Slovenian Peoples Party,21, 190,SNS – Slovenska nacionalna stranka,Slovenian National Party,21, 191,SDS – Slovenska demokratska stranka,Slovenian Democratic Party,21, 192,SD – Socialni demokrati,Social Democrats,21, 193,ZARES – nova politika,For Real,21, 194,NSi – Nova Slovenija – krščanska ljudska stranka,New Slovenia - Christian Peoples Party,21, 195,SMS – Stranka mladih Slovenije,Youth Party,21, 196,L’S-HZDS,Peoples Party - Movement for Democratic Slovakia,21, 197,SMER,Direction - Social Democracy,21, 198,SDKÚ,Slovak Democratic and Christian Union,21, 199,SMK,SMK,21, 200,KDH,Christian Democratic Movement,21, 201,SNS,Slovak National Party,21,