rowid,id,table_id,column_number,name,type,comment_entry,incomplete,description,comment 42,45,20,9,incumbent,binary,0,0,member of previous Commission, 43,46,20,10,one_seat,binary,0,0,one seat in Commission, 47,51,20,16,elected,binary,0,0,career with political position before, 50,54,20,14,president,binary,0,0,president of Commission, 66,78,49,12,sex_male,binary,0,0,, 72,84,5,4,pm,binary,0,0,indicates if the party fills the prime minster position, 74,87,12,9,caretaker,binary,0,0,"caretaker cabinet with a limited legislative mandate: non-partisan, provisional, technical or continuation (tree month rule) cabinet", 84,101,19,21,public,binary,0,0,indicates if data for this country is included in ParlGov's stable and development version, 116,139,35,6,early,binary,1,1,Early (snap) election before constitutionally mandated term end,"If there is no constitutionally mandated next election date (e.g. UK), an election that takes place 1 year earlier than the maximum feasible period is considered an early election." 211,247,46,5,president,binary,0,0,party president, 213,257,13,7,incomplete,binary,0,0,variable that has not been coded for all countries yet, 235,286,13,6,comment_entry,binary,0,0,variable that should also be documented in 'description' field of observation, 236,287,50,7,acting,binary,0,0,acting minister, 284,349,54,6,caretaker,binary,0,0,"caretaker cabinet with a limited legislative mandate: non-partisan, provisional, technical or continuation (tree month rule) cabinet", 298,369,54,8,prime_minister,binary,0,0,indicates if the party fills the prime minster position, 301,372,54,7,cabinet_party,binary,0,0,cabinet member vs. opposition party, 365,459,68,14,description_cabinet,binary,0,0,description of confidence vote in description field of cabinet (eg. investiture vote), 368,463,50,19,validation,binary,0,0,observation has been validated with an external source, 375,472,69,6,cabinet_formation,binary,0,0,parliament composition at the date of a cabinet formation, 401,501,30,4,party_change,binary,0,0,formation of new party,"new party formed that does not meet ParlGov new party coding rule (e.g. successor party) "