rowid,id,table_id,column_number,name,type,comment_entry,incomplete,description,comment 357,446,68,7,yes,,0,0,, 146,169,38,6,year,integer,0,0,year of party name change, 390,490,71,2,year,integer,0,0,, 24,26,29,9,wikipedia,url,0,0,link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists, 35,38,12,10,wikipedia,url,0,0,link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists, 65,77,49,11,wikipedia,url,0,0,link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists, 234,285,48,7,wikipedia,url,0,0,link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists, 366,460,35,7,wikipedia,url,0,0,link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists, 13,15,35,12,votes_valid,integer,0,0,number of valid votes for parties and candidates -- not including blank votes,Based on the number of 'votes_cast' and 'electorate'. For electoral systems with multiple votes cast by each voter a 'data_json' entry 'valid_votes' records the sum of all valid (multiple) votes. 14,16,35,11,votes_cast,integer,0,0,number of votes cast in an election -- including invalid and blank votes , 7,9,8,8,votes,integer,0,1,number of votes,Information for this table is not systematically coded for all countries. Please refer to to get further information about the detail of country codings. 6,8,8,7,vote_share,real,0,0,percentage of votes for a party, 272,333,53,5,vote_share,real,0,0,percentage of votes for a party, 368,463,50,19,validation,binary,0,0,observation has been validated with an external source, 145,168,41,5,url,text,0,0,url of reference, 221,270,35,2,type_id,integer,0,0,'info_id' of election type, 332,418,64,3,type_id,integer,0,0,ParlGov unique party family identifier -- see table 'info_id' for a description, 343,430,67,3,type_id,integer,0,1,experimental coding type of cabinet support, 351,440,68,5,type_id,,0,0,, 90,111,34,2,type,text,0,0,type of the table. either table or view, 123,146,13,5,type,text,0,0,"type of data (text, integer, real, binary, date)", 396,496,72,6,type,,0,0,, 417,522,74,2,type,text,0,0,"type of data (text, integer, real, binary, date)", 404,507,27,2,turnout,real,0,0,voter turnout – share of 'votes cast' relative to 'electorate', 360,449,68,12,total,,0,0,, 250,304,49,4,title,,0,0,, 233,284,48,2,table_variable,text,0,0,name of table and variable (format: tablename_variablename), 415,520,74,1,table_name,text,0,0, name of table in ParlGov database, 121,144,13,2,table_id,text,0,0,table identifier in 'info_table', 394,494,72,5,table_id,,0,0,, 265,326,7,3,state_market,real,0,0,0--10 scale mean value in 'regulation of the economy' dimension with data from Benoit/Laver 2006 and CHES 2010, 294,365,52,10,state_market,real,0,0,0--10 scale mean value in 'regulation of the economy' dimension with data from Benoit/Laver 2006 and CHES 2010, 40,43,20,7,start_date,date,0,0,Commissioner entered Commission, 55,65,50,12,start_date,date,0,0,date person took up position, 75,88,12,3,start_date,date,0,0,start of cabinet defined as the date of the first event that determines a new cabinet,"For some (continuation) caretaker cabinet, the date is set to election date." 283,348,54,4,start_date,date,0,0,start of cabinet defined as the date of the first event that determines a new cabinet,"For some (continuation) caretaker cabinet, the date is set to election date." 407,510,73,3,start_date,date,0,0,, 143,166,41,3,short,text,0,0,short reference, 232,283,48,4,short,text,0,0,short name, 334,420,61,,short,text,0,0,, 392,492,71,4,share,real,0,0,share of year observation covers, 66,78,49,12,sex_male,binary,0,0,, 12,14,35,9,seats_total,integer,0,0,total number of seats, 274,335,53,7,seats_total,integer,0,0,total number of seats, 5,7,8,6,seats,integer,0,0,number of seats won by party,Seats coded for alliance members if information available. Coded as 0 for parties that won no seats and as missing value for electoral alliances if seats are coded at the level of alliance members. 139,162,40,6,seats,integer,0,0,number of seats, 273,334,53,6,seats,integer,0,0,number of seats won by party,Seats coded for alliance members if information available. Coded as 0 for parties that won no seats and as missing value for electoral alliances if seats are coded at the level of alliance members. 304,375,54,9,seats,integer,0,0,number of seats in parliament,"In versions prior to ParlGov 11/07, the number of seats was based on seats won at the last election (table 'election_result'). It does now take into account changes in parliament -- see documentation for table 'viewcalc_parliament_composition'." 372,469,69,4,seats,,0,0,number of seats in parliament, 380,478,70,6,seats,integer,0,0,number of seats in parliament, 175,206,28,9,sd,real,0,0,standard deviation of left/right position, 48,52,20,17,score_position,real,0,0,score for highest position, 337,424,65,3,salience,,0,0,salience measure, 166,197,38,8,row_number,integer,0,0,row number of entry in CMP party table, 176,207,28,10,respondents,integer,0,0,number of respondents, 185,219,3,9,respondents,integer,0,0,number of respondents, 79,92,50,14,resignation_cause,text,0,0,short textual information on the cause of resignation, 195,229,1,3,region,text,0,0,region name, 148,174,19,13,ray,integer,0,0,Ray (1996) expert survey country ID, 150,176,29,23,ray,integer,0,0,Ray (1999) expert survey party ID -- combined country ID and party ID, 297,368,52,18,ray,integer,0,0,Ray (1999) expert survey party ID -- combined country ID and party ID, 174,205,28,8,range_right,real,0,0,upper bound of left/right position, 187,221,3,7,range_right,real,0,0,upper bound of left/right position, 173,204,28,7,range_left,real,0,0,lower bound of left/right position, 188,222,3,6,range_left,real,0,0,lower bound of left/right position, 84,101,19,21,public,binary,0,0,indicates if data for this country is included in ParlGov's stable and development version, 298,369,54,8,prime_minister,binary,0,0,indicates if the party fills the prime minster position, 306,377,35,17,previous_parliament_election_id,integer,0,0,'election_id' of previous national parliament election in the country, 308,379,12,16,previous_parliament_election_id,integer,0,0,'election_id' of previous parliamentary election in the country, 310,381,53,14,previous_parliament_election_id,integer,0,0,'election_id' of previous national parliament election in the country, 305,376,35,18,previous_ep_election_id,integer,0,0,'election_id' of previous national EP election for this country, 307,378,12,17,previous_ep_election_id,integer,0,0,'election_id' of previous EP election in the country, 309,380,12,15,previous_cabinet_id,integer,0,0,'cabinet_id' of previous national cabinet in the country, 311,382,54,18,previous_cabinet_id,integer,0,0,'cabinet_id' of previous national cabinet in the country, 312,383,35,19,previous_cabinet_id,integer,0,0,'cabinet_id' of incumbent government, 340,427,53,15,previous_cabinet_id,integer,0,0,'cabinet_id' of incumbent government, 400,500,20,22,previous_cabinet_id,integer,0,0,ParlGov unique cabinet identifier -- cabinet in office at the time of appointment, 50,54,20,14,president,binary,0,0,president of Commission, 211,247,46,5,president,binary,0,0,party president, 53,59,50,6,position_ministry_id_source,text,0,0,ministerial portfolio for person, 251,305,50,4,position_id,integer,0,0,ParlGov unique position identifier. Seniority of ministerial position., 46,50,20,15,portfolio,text,0,0,Commission portfolio, 105,128,27,7,polarization_vote,real,0,0,"polarization index (Dalton 2008, 906) – vote share based with 'view_calc_party_position' left/right values ", 420,525,27,8,polarization_seats,real,0,0,"polarization index (Dalton 2008, 906) – seats share based with 'view_calc_party_position' left/right values ", 72,84,5,4,pm,binary,0,0,indicates if the party fills the prime minster position, 39,42,20,6,person_id_source,text,0,0,textual string with the person name in the data source of the observation, 410,513,73,6,person_id_source,text,0,0,, 38,41,20,5,person_id,integer,0,0,ParlGov unique person identifier. Other tables refer to this variable as 'person_id'., 409,512,73,5,person_id,integer,0,0,, 352,441,68,6,passed,,0,0,, 315,387,56,4,partyid,integer,0,0,Ray (1999) expert survey party ID, 252,306,52,3,party_name_short,text,0,0,party abbreviation, 275,336,53,8,party_name_short,text,0,0,party abbreviation, 286,351,54,11,party_name_short,text,0,0,party abbreviation, 253,307,52,4,party_name_english,text,0,0,English name of party, 277,339,53,10,party_name_english,text,0,0,English name of party, 288,353,54,13,party_name_english,text,0,0,English name of party, 254,308,52,6,party_name_ascii,text,0,0,original name of party without special characters (this one may be easier to handle with in statistical packages), 276,338,53,9,party_name,text,0,0,original name of party with native characters (this field may require a change of character encodings on your local computer), 287,352,54,12,party_name,text,0,0,original name of party with native characters (this field may require a change of character encodings on your local computer), 291,356,52,5,party_name,text,0,0,original name of party with native characters,field may require a change of character encodings on your local computer