{"rowid": 258, "comment": "Add second entry for succeeding Commission office of Jonathan Hill since 2016-07-16? (Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union)", "commission_year": 2014, "elected": 1, "portfolio": "Euro & Social Dialogue [+ Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union since 2016-07-16]", "id": 262, "one_seat": 1, "country_id": {"value": 55, "label": "Latvia"}, "commission_name": "Juncker", "incumbent": 0, "person_id": 11889, "person_id_source": "Dombrovskis, Valdis", "start_date": "2014-11-01", "end_date": "2019-11-30", "score_position": 2.14, "party_id": {"value": 1666, "label": "Vienot\u012bba"}, "president": 0, "highest_position": "prime minister ", "data_source": {"value": "ec.europa.eu, munzinger, parlgov", "label": "ec.europa.eu, munzinger, parlgov"}, "government_party": 10, "previous_cabinet_id": {"value": 1073, "label": "Straujuma I"}}