{"id": 201, "country": 2, "name_short": "SD", "name": "Socialdemokraterne", "name_english": "Social Democrats"} {"id": 202, "country": 2, "name_short": "RV", "name": "Det Radikale Venstre", "name_english": "Radical Left-Social Liberal Party"} {"id": 203, "country": 2, "name_short": "KF", "name": "Konservative Folksparti", "name_english": "Conservative People's Party"} {"id": 204, "country": 2, "name_short": "CD", "name": "Centrum-Demokraterne", "name_english": "Centre Democrats"} {"id": 206, "country": 2, "name_short": "SF", "name": "Socialistisk Folkeparti", "name_english": "Socialist People's Party"} {"id": 210, "country": 2, "name_short": "KRF", "name": "Kristeligt Folkeparti", "name_english": "Christian People\u2019s Party"} {"id": 211, "country": 2, "name_short": "V", "name": "Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti", "name_english": "Venstre, Liberal Party of Denmark"} {"id": 212, "country": 2, "name_short": "FP", "name": "Fremskridtspartiet", "name_english": "Progress Party"} {"id": 213, "country": 2, "name_short": "EL", "name": "Enhedslisten", "name_english": "Unity List-Red/Green Alliance"} {"id": 215, "country": 2, "name_short": "DF", "name": "Dansk Folkeparti", "name_english": "Danish People's Party"} {"id": 216, "country": 2, "name_short": "JuniB", "name": "Junibevaegnelsen", "name_english": "June Movement"} {"id": 217, "country": 2, "name_short": "FolkB", "name": "Folkebev\u00e6gelsen mod EU", "name_english": "People's Movement Against the EU"} {"id": 218, "country": 2, "name_short": "LA", "name": "Liberal Alliance", "name_english": "Liberal Alliance"}