{"rowid": 58, "id": 15710, "name_short": "Tf", "name": "\u00fejodvarnarflokkurinn", "name_english": "National Preservation Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 53, "id": 15323, "name_short": "", "name": "\u00dej\u00f3\u00f0vaki", "name_english": "Awakening of the Nation", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 462, "id": 83611, "name_short": "ResP", "name": "\u00dchendus Vabariigi Eest \u2013 Res Publica", "name_english": "Union for the Republic -- Res Publica", "comment": "", "country": 83} {"rowid": 206, "id": 42520, "name_short": "\u00d6VP", "name": "\u00d6sterreichische Volkspartei", "name_english": "Austrian People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 42} {"rowid": 61, "id": 21111, "name_short": "ECOLO", "name": "\u00c9cologistes Conf\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9s pour l\u2019Organisation de Luttes Originales", "name_english": "Francophone Ecologists", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 102, "id": 31110, "name_short": "", "name": "\u00c9cologistes", "name_english": "Greens", "comment": "in 1997: Les Verts", "country": 31} {"rowid": 450, "id": 82524, "name_short": "Koalice", "name": "organized as a party", "name_english": "Coalition", "comment": "composed of: KDU Krestansk\u00e1 a Demokratick\u00e1 Unie (Christian and Democratic Union) CSL Ceskoslovenska strana lidova (Czechoslovak People\u2019s Party) US Unie Svobody-Democraticke Unie (Freedom Union \u2013 Democratic Union) DEU Demokratick\u00e1 Unie (Democratic Union) US and DEU combined into one party in 2001", "country": 82} {"rowid": 611, "id": 92434, "name_short": "UW", "name": "merger of: KLD and PPPP Unia Wolnosci", "name_english": "Freedom Union", "comment": "", "country": 92} {"rowid": 423, "id": 81229, "name_short": "Left Bloc", "name": "composed of: SKH-SDP Savez Komunista Hrvatske \u2013 Stranka Demokratskih Promjena", "name_english": "League of Communists of Croatia- Party of Democratic Change", "comment": "", "country": 81} {"rowid": 641, "id": 93523, "name_short": "PND", "name": "composed of: Partidul National Democrat", "name_english": "National Democratic Party", "comment": "", "country": 93} {"rowid": 714, "id": 97220, "name_short": "ZKS", "name": "Zveza Komunista Slovenije", "name_english": "League of Communists of Slovenia", "comment": "", "country": 97} {"rowid": 308, "id": 72420, "name_short": "", "name": "Zionim Klalim", "name_english": "General Zionists'", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 713, "id": 97110, "name_short": "ZS", "name": "Zeleni Slovenije", "name_english": "Greens of Slovenia", "comment": "", "country": 97} {"rowid": 418, "id": 81112, "name_short": "ZAS", "name": "Zelena Akcija \u2013 Split", "name_english": "Green Action of Split", "comment": "", "country": 81} {"rowid": 692, "id": 96210, "name_short": "ZRS", "name": "Zdruzenie robotn\u00edkov Slovenska", "name_english": "Workers\u2019 Association of Slovakia", "comment": "", "country": 96} {"rowid": 717, "id": 97321, "name_short": "ZLSD", "name": "Zdruzena Lista Socialninh Demokratov", "name_english": "Associated List of Social Democrats", "comment": "", "country": 97} {"rowid": 715, "id": 97223, "name_short": "ZL", "name": "Zdruzena Lista", "name_english": "Unity, Associated List", "comment": "alliance of centre-left groups headed by: Zveza Komunista Slovenije (League of Communists of Slovenia)", "country": 97} {"rowid": 525, "id": 87110, "name_short": "ZZS", "name": "Zalo un Zemnieku savieniba", "name_english": "Green and Farmers\u2019 Union", "comment": "", "country": 87} {"rowid": 431, "id": 81899, "name_short": "ZL", "name": "Zajednica Lista", "name_english": "Joint List Bloc", "comment": "composed of: SBSH Slavonsko-Baranjska Hrvatska Stranka (Croatian Party of Slavonia and Baranja) HSS Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka (Croatian Peasant Party) IDS Istarski Demokratski Sabor (Istrian Democratic Assembly) HNS Hrvatska Narodna Stranka (Croatian People\u2019s Party) HKDU Hrvatska Krscanska Demokratska Unija (Croatian Christian Democratic Union)", "country": 81} {"rowid": 742, "id": 98429, "name_short": "ZYU", "name": "Za Yedinu Ukrainu", "name_english": "For United Ukraine", "comment": "", "country": 98} {"rowid": 329, "id": 72625, "name_short": "", "name": "Yisrael Beiteinu", "name_english": "Israel Our Home", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 311, "id": 72428, "name_short": "", "name": "Yisrael Ba\u2019aliya", "name_english": "Israel for Immigration", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 371, "id": 77220, "name_short": "YAP", "name": "Yeni Azerbaycan Partiyasi", "name_english": "New Azerbaijan Party", "comment": "", "country": 77} {"rowid": 660, "id": 94422, "name_short": "Yabloko", "name": "Yavlinsky-Boldryev-Lukin Bloc", "name_english": "Yabloko-Bloc", "comment": "", "country": 94} {"rowid": 317, "id": 72535, "name_short": "", "name": "Yahadut Ha Torah", "name_english": "United Torah Judaism", "comment": "Merger between Agudat Israel and Degel haTorah", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 306, "id": 72414, "name_short": "", "name": "Yachad", "name_english": "Together", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 618, "id": 92530, "name_short": "WAK", "name": "Wyborcza Akcja Katolickia", "name_english": "Catholic Elector Action", "comment": "composed of: ZChN Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko- Narodowe (Christian National Union) KP Konwencja Polska (Polish Convention) SChL Stronnictwo Chrzecijansko-Ludowe (Christian Farmers\u2019 Alliance)", "country": 92} {"rowid": 196, "id": 41711, "name_short": "WAV", "name": "Wirtschaftliche Aufbauvereinigung", "name_english": "Economic Reconstruction League", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 41, "label": "Greece"}} {"rowid": 376, "id": 77951, "name_short": "VHP", "name": "V\u00e4t\u00e4ndas H\u00e4mr\u00e4'yliyi Partiyasi", "name_english": "Citizens Solidarity Party", "comment": "", "country": 77} {"rowid": 741, "id": 98428, "name_short": "", "name": "Vpered, Ukraina", "name_english": "Go Ahead, Ukraine", "comment": "", "country": 98} {"rowid": 663, "id": 94425, "name_short": "VR", "name": "Vpered, Rossiya!", "name_english": "Russia, Go Forward!", "comment": "", "country": 94} {"rowid": 85, "id": 22420, "name_short": "VVD", "name": "Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie", "name_english": "People\u2019s Party for Freedom and Democracy", "comment": "", "country": 22} {"rowid": 574, "id": 89710, "name_short": "VMRO- DPMNE", "name": "Vnatresna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija \u2013 Demokratska Partija za Makedonsko Nacionalno Edinstvo", "name_english": "Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization -- Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity", "comment": "formerly: MAAK Pan-Macedonian Action", "country": 89} {"rowid": 78, "id": 21914, "name_short": "VB", "name": "Vlaams Blok", "name_english": "Flemish Bloc", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 21, "label": "Denmark"}} {"rowid": 48, "id": 15111, "name_short": "VGF", "name": "Vinstrihreyfing \u2013 Gr\u00e6nt Frambod", "name_english": "Left Green Movement", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 35, "id": 14110, "name_short": "VL", "name": "Vihre\u00e4 Liitto", "name_english": "Green Union", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 749, "id": 98616, "name_short": "JT", "name": "Vibortsyj Bloc Julii Tymoshenko", "name_english": "Juliya Tymoshenko Election Bloc", "comment": "", "country": 98} {"rowid": 655, "id": 94225, "name_short": "VN", "name": "Viast narodu!", "name_english": "Power to the People!", "comment": "", "country": 94} {"rowid": 701, "id": 96430, "name_short": "VPN", "name": "Verejnost prosti n\u00e1siliu", "name_english": "Public Against Violence", "comment": "", "country": 96} {"rowid": 204, "id": 42420, "name_short": "VdU", "name": "Verband der Unabh\u00e4ngigen", "name_english": "League of Independents", "comment": "", "country": 42} {"rowid": 18, "id": 13210, "name_short": "VS", "name": "Venstresocialisterne", "name_english": "Left Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 13, "id": 12420, "name_short": "V", "name": "Venstre", "name_english": "Liberal Party", "comment": "", "country": 12} {"rowid": 26, "id": 13420, "name_short": "V", "name": "Venstre", "name_english": "Liberals", "comment": "", "country": 13} {"rowid": 38, "id": 14223, "name_short": "VL", "name": "Vasemmistoliitto", "name_english": "Left Wing Alliance", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 461, "id": 83610, "name_short": "Pare- moolsed", "name": "Vabriiklate ja Konservatiivide Rahvaerakond", "name_english": "Rightists", "comment": "composed of: EV Eesti Vabriiklaste (Estonian Republican Coalition Party) EKR Eesti Konservativne Rahvaerakond (Estonian Conservative People\u2019s Party)", "country": 83} {"rowid": 149, "id": 33430, "name_short": "UCD", "name": "Uni\u00f3n de Centro Democr\u00e1tico", "name_english": "Union of the Democratic Centre/Centrist Bloc", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 33, "label": "Australia"}} {"rowid": 172, "id": 35210, "name_short": "UDP", "name": "Uni\u00e3o Democr\u00e1tica Popular", "name_english": "Popular Democratic Union", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 35, "label": "Sweden"}} {"rowid": 637, "id": 93322, "name_short": "USD", "name": "Uniunea Social Democrat", "name_english": "Social Democratic Union", "comment": "", "country": 93} {"rowid": 128, "id": 32322, "name_short": "PSU", "name": "United Socialist Party", "name_english": "United Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": 32} {"rowid": 228, "id": 51951, "name_short": "UKIP", "name": "United Kingdom Independence Party", "name_english": "United Kingdom Independence Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 51, "label": "Cyprus"}} {"rowid": 267, "id": 64421, "name_short": "", "name": "United Future", "name_english": "United Future", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 64, "label": "Belgium"}} {"rowid": 116, "id": 31626, "name_short": "UMP", "name": "Union pour la majorit\u00e9 presidentielle", "name_english": "Union for the Presidential Majority", "comment": "composed of: RPR Rassemblement pour la R\u00e9publique (Rally for the Republic) and DL D\u00e9mocratie Lib\u00e9rale (Liberal Democracy); after the election part of UDF joined the Union", "country": 31} {"rowid": 114, "id": 31624, "name_short": "UDF", "name": "Union pour la D\u00e9mocratie Fran\u00e7aise", "name_english": "Union for French Democracy", "comment": "", "country": 31} {"rowid": 446, "id": 82421, "name_short": "US", "name": "Unie Svobody", "name_english": "Freedom Union", "comment": "", "country": 82} {"rowid": 183, "id": 35317, "name_short": "UEDS", "name": "Uniao de Esquerda para a Democracia", "name_english": "Union of the Socialist and Democratic Left", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 35, "label": "Sweden"}} {"rowid": 605, "id": 92322, "name_short": "UP", "name": "Unia Pracy", "name_english": "Union of Labour", "comment": "", "country": 92} {"rowid": 609, "id": 92432, "name_short": "UPR", "name": "Unia Polityki Realnej", "name_english": "Union of Real Politics", "comment": "", "country": 92} {"rowid": 606, "id": 92410, "name_short": "UD", "name": "Unia Demokratyczna", "name_english": "Democratic Union", "comment": "merger between: UD Unia Demokratyczna (Democratic Union) ROAD Ruch Obywatelski - Akcja Demokratyczna (Democratic Action Civic Movement) FPD Forum Prawicy Demokratycznej (Forum of the Democratic Right)", "country": 92} {"rowid": 225, "id": 51621, "name_short": "UUP", "name": "Ulster Unionist Party", "name_english": "Ulster Unionist Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 51, "label": "Cyprus"}} {"rowid": 129, "id": 32329, "name_short": "", "name": "Ulivo", "name_english": "Olive Tree", "comment": "composed of: Il Girasole, PDCI, PDS, and La Margherita", "country": 32} {"rowid": 752, "id": 98713, "name_short": "UNA", "name": "Ukrainska Natsionalna Assembleia", "name_english": "Ukrainian National Assembly", "comment": "", "country": 98} {"rowid": 745, "id": 98612, "name_short": "URP", "name": "Ukrains`ka Respublikans`ka Partiyia", "name_english": "Ukrainian Republican Party", "comment": "", "country": 98} {"rowid": 751, "id": 98712, "name_short": "UKRP", "name": "Ukrains`ka Konservatyva Respublikans`ka Partiyia", "name_english": "Ukrainian Conservative Republican Party", "comment": "", "country": 98} {"rowid": 39, "id": 14310, "name_short": "TPSL", "name": "Ty\u00e4v\u00e4en ja Pienviljelij\u00e4in Sosialdemokraattinen Liitto", "name_english": "Social Democratic League of Workers and Smallholders", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 543, "id": 87721, "name_short": "TUB", "name": "Tevzemei un brivibai", "name_english": "For the Fatherland and Freedom", "comment": "", "country": 87} {"rowid": 560, "id": 88620, "name_short": "TS", "name": "Tevynes S\u00e1junga", "name_english": "Homeland Union", "comment": "", "country": 88} {"rowid": 482, "id": 84421, "name_short": "", "name": "Tertmeti Oktomberi", "name_english": "11-Okt", "comment": "composed of: GPF Georgien Popular Front DCG Democratic Choice for Georgia CDU Christian-Democratic Union RP Republican Party", "country": 84} {"rowid": 320, "id": 72612, "name_short": "Tehiya", "name": "Tenuat Hatehiya", "name_english": "Renaissance Movement", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 314, "id": 72532, "name_short": "TAM'", "name": "Tenua le'Masoret Israel", "name_english": "Movement for Israel's Tradition", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 72, "label": "Malta"}} {"rowid": 533, "id": 87421, "name_short": "TSP", "name": "Tautas Saskanas Partija", "name_english": "National Harmony Party", "comment": "", "country": 87} {"rowid": 540, "id": 87610, "name_short": "TP", "name": "Tautas Partija", "name_english": "People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 87} {"rowid": 544, "id": 87722, "name_short": "TKL", "name": "Tautas Kustiba Latvija (Zigerista Partija)", "name_english": "Popular Movement for Latvia (Siegerist)", "comment": "", "country": 87} {"rowid": 199, "id": 41912, "name_short": "SSW", "name": "S\u00fcdschleswigscher W\u00e4hlerverband \u2013 Sydslesvigsk Vaelgerforening", "name_english": "South Schleswig Voters' Union", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 41, "label": "Greece"}} {"rowid": 49, "id": 15220, "name_short": "", "name": "S\u00f3si\u00e1listaflokkurinn", "name_english": "United Socialist Party", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 15, "label": "Lithuania"}} {"rowid": 517, "id": 86422, "name_short": "SzDSz", "name": "Szabad Demokrat\u00e1k Sz\u00f6vets\u00e9ge", "name_english": "Alliance of Free Democrats", "comment": "", "country": 86} {"rowid": 164, "id": 34211, "name_short": "SAP", "name": "Synaspismos tis Aristeras kai tis Proodou", "name_english": "Progressive Left Coalition", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 34, "label": "Israel"}} {"rowid": 2, "id": 11220, "name_short": "", "name": "Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti", "name_english": "Communist Party of Sweden", "comment": "", "country": {"value": 11, "label": "New Zealand"}} {"rowid": 40, "id": 14320, "name_short": "SSDP", "name": "Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue", "name_english": "Finnish Social Democrats", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 46, "id": 14820, "name_short": "", "name": "Suomen Pientalonpoiken Puolue", "name_english": "Finnish Smallholder\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 43, "id": 14520, "name_short": "SKL", "name": "Suomen Kristillinen Liitto", "name_english": "Finnish Christian Union", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 36, "id": 14221, "name_short": "SKDL", "name": "Suomen Kansan Demokraattinen Liitto", "name_english": "Finnish People's Democratic Union", "comment": "", "country": 14} {"rowid": 601, "id": 92211, "name_short": "SD", "name": "Stronnictwo Demokratyczne", "name_english": "Democratic Party", "comment": "", "country": 92} {"rowid": 394, "id": 79723, "name_short": "S BiH", "name": "Stranka za Bosne i Hercegovine", "name_english": "Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina", "comment": "", "country": 79} {"rowid": 573, "id": 89420, "name_short": "SJM", "name": "Stranka na Jugoslovenite vo Makedonija", "name_english": "Party of Yugoslavs in Macedonia", "comment": "", "country": 89} {"rowid": 686, "id": 95810, "name_short": "StSSljS", "name": "Stranka Saveza Seljaka Srbije", "name_english": "Party of the Alliance of Peasants of Serbia", "comment": "", "country": 95} {"rowid": 596, "id": 91951, "name_short": "SNR", "name": "Stranka Nacionalne Ravnopravnosti", "name_english": "Party of National Equality", "comment": "", "country": 91} {"rowid": 727, "id": 97952, "name_short": "SMS", "name": "Stranka Mladih Slovenije", "name_english": "Party of Slovenian Youth", "comment": "", "country": 97} {"rowid": 598, "id": 91953, "name_short": "SDACG", "name": "Stranka Demokratske Akcije Crne Gore", "name_english": "Democratic Action Party of Montenegro", "comment": "", "country": 91} {"rowid": 396, "id": 79951, "name_short": "SDA", "name": "Stranka Demokratske Akcije", "name_english": "Party of Democratic Action", "comment": "", "country": 79} {"rowid": 688, "id": 95952, "name_short": "SDA", "name": "Stranka Demokratske Akcije", "name_english": "Party of Democratic Action of Muslims", "comment": "", "country": 95} {"rowid": 698, "id": 96422, "name_short": "SOP", "name": "Strana ob\u00e9ianskeho porozumenia", "name_english": "Party of Civic Understanding", "comment": "", "country": 96} {"rowid": 691, "id": 96111, "name_short": "SZ", "name": "Strana Zelenych", "name_english": "Green Party", "comment": "", "country": 96} {"rowid": 494, "id": 84713, "name_short": "SSMKS", "name": "Sruliad Sakartvelos Merab Kostavas Sazogadoeba", "name_english": "Merab Kostava Society", "comment": "", "country": 84} {"rowid": 497, "id": 84810, "name_short": "SSFK", "name": "Sruliad Sakartvelos Fermerta Kavshiri", "name_english": "All-Georgian Farmers\u2019 Union", "comment": "", "country": 84} {"rowid": 485, "id": 84424, "name_short": "SSAK", "name": "Sruliad Sakartvelos Aghordzinebis Kavshiri ", "name_english": "All-Georgian Revival Union", "comment": "", "country": 84} {"rowid": 683, "id": 95710, "name_short": "SPO", "name": "Srpski Pokret Obnove", "name_english": "Serbian Movement for Renewel", "comment": "", "country": 95} {"rowid": 392, "id": 79721, "name_short": "SRS RS", "name": "Srpska Radikalna Stranka Republike Srpske", "name_english": "Serbian Radical Party of the Republic Serbia", "comment": "", "country": 79} {"rowid": 595, "id": 91711, "name_short": "SRS", "name": "Srpska Radikalna Stranka", "name_english": "Serbian Radical Party", "comment": "", "country": 91} {"rowid": 684, "id": 95711, "name_short": "SRS", "name": "Srpska Radikalna Stranka", "name_english": "Serbian Radical Party", "comment": "", "country": 95} {"rowid": 432, "id": 81951, "name_short": "SNS", "name": "Srpska Narodna Stranka", "name_english": "Serbian People\u2019s Party", "comment": "", "country": 81}