{"id": 246, "country": 27, "name": "Partido Socialista"} {"id": 245, "country": 27, "name": "Partido Social Democrata"} {"id": 244, "country": 27, "name": "Partido Popular Mon\u00e1rquico"} {"id": 241, "country": 27, "name": "Partido Nacional Renovador"} {"id": 240, "country": 27, "name": "Partido Humanista"} {"id": 238, "country": 27, "name": "Partido da Terra"} {"id": 237, "country": 27, "name": "Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses"} {"id": 236, "country": 27, "name": "Movimento M\u00e9rito e Sociedade"} {"id": 235, "country": 27, "name": "Movimento Esperan\u00e7a Portugal"} {"id": 234, "country": 27, "name": "Coliga\u00e7\u00e3o Democr\u00e1tica Unit\u00e1ria"} {"id": 233, "country": 27, "name": "Centro Democr\u00e1tico Social - Partido Popular"} {"id": 232, "country": 27, "name": "Bloco de Esquerda"} {"id": 231, "country": 26, "name": "Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy"} {"id": 230, "country": 26, "name": "Prawo i Sprawiedliwo\u015b\u0107"} {"id": 229, "country": 26, "name": "Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe"} {"id": 228, "country": 26, "name": "Platforma Obywatelska"} {"id": 227, "country": 23, "name": "Partit Nazzjonalista"} {"id": 226, "country": 23, "name": "Partit Laburista"} {"id": 225, "country": 23, "name": "Azzjoni Nazzjonali"} {"id": 224, "country": 23, "name": "Alternattiva Demokratika"} {"id": 216, "country": 21, "name": "Kommunistesch Partei L\u00ebtzebuerg - Kommunistische Partei Luxemburgs"} {"id": 215, "country": 21, "name": "d\u00e9i L\u00e9nk - Die Linke"} {"id": 214, "country": 21, "name": "Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei - Alternative Demokratische Reformpartei"} {"id": 213, "country": 21, "name": "d\u00e9i gr\u00e9ng - Die Gr\u00fcnen"} {"id": 212, "country": 21, "name": "Demokratesch Partei - Demokratische Partei"} {"id": 211, "country": 21, "name": "L\u00ebtzebuerger Sozialistesch Arbechterpartei - Luxemburgische Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei"} {"id": 210, "country": 21, "name": "Chr\u00ebschtlech-Sozial Voll\u00e9kspartei - Christlich-Soziale Volkspartei"} {"id": 209, "country": 20, "name": "T\u0117vyn\u0117s s\u0105junga - Lietuvos krik\u0161\u010dionys demokratai"} {"id": 208, "country": 20, "name": "Tautos prisik\u0117limo partija"} {"id": 207, "country": 20, "name": "Partija Tvarka ir teisingumas"} {"id": 206, "country": 20, "name": "Partija \"Frontas\""} {"id": 204, "country": 20, "name": "Lietuvos valstie\u010di\u0173 liaudinink\u0173 s\u0105junga"} {"id": 203, "country": 20, "name": "Lietuvos socialdemokrat\u0173 partija"} {"id": 202, "country": 20, "name": "Lietuvos Respublikos liberal\u0173 s\u0105j\u016bdis"} {"id": 200, "country": 20, "name": "Liberal\u0173 ir centro s\u0105junga"} {"id": 199, "country": 20, "name": "Darbo partija"} {"id": 198, "country": 22, "name": "Za\u013co un Zemnieku Savien\u012bba"} {"id": 197, "country": 22, "name": "T\u0113vzemei un Br\u012bv\u012bbai/LNNK"} {"id": 196, "country": 22, "name": "Tautas Partija"} {"id": 195, "country": 22, "name": "Saska\u0146as centrs"} {"id": 194, "country": 22, "name": "Sabiedr\u012bba Citai Politikai"} {"id": 193, "country": 22, "name": "Pilsonisk\u0101 Savien\u012bba"} {"id": 192, "country": 22, "name": "Par cilv\u0113ka ties\u012bb\u0101m vienot\u0101 Latvij\u0101"} {"id": 191, "country": 22, "name": "Latvijas Pirm\u0101 Partija/LC"} {"id": 188, "country": 19, "name": "Unione Democratica di Centro"} {"id": 186, "country": 19, "name": "Popolo delle Libert\u00e0"} {"id": 181, "country": 19, "name": "Partito di Rifondazione Comunista - Partito dei Comunisti Italiani"} {"id": 180, "country": 19, "name": "Partito Democratico"} {"id": 178, "country": 19, "name": "Lega Nord"} {"id": 176, "country": 19, "name": "Italia dei Valori"} {"id": 175, "country": 19, "name": "Fiamma Tricolore/La Destra-Movimento per l'Autonomia-Partito Pensionati-Alleanza di Centro"} {"id": 173, "country": 18, "name": "Socialist Party"} {"id": 172, "country": 18, "name": "Sinn F\u00e9in"} {"id": 171, "country": 18, "name": "Libertas"} {"id": 170, "country": 18, "name": "Labour Party"} {"id": 169, "country": 18, "name": "Green Party"} {"id": 168, "country": 18, "name": "Fine Gael"} {"id": 167, "country": 18, "name": "Fianna F\u00e1il"} {"id": 166, "country": 17, "name": "Lehet M\u00e1s a Politika"} {"id": 163, "country": 17, "name": "Szabad Demokrat\u00e1k Sz\u00f6vets\u00e9ge"} {"id": 162, "country": 17, "name": "Magyar Szocialista P\u00e1rt"} {"id": 159, "country": 17, "name": "Magyar Demokrata F\u00f3rum"} {"id": 158, "country": 17, "name": "Jobbik Magyarorsz\u00e1g\u00e9rt Mozgalom"} {"id": 157, "country": 17, "name": "Fidesz - Magyar Polg\u00e1ri Sz\u00f6vets\u00e9g"} {"id": 156, "country": 15, "name": "Coalition of the Radical Left"} {"id": 155, "country": 15, "name": "Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)"} {"id": 154, "country": 15, "name": "Ecologist Greens"} {"id": 153, "country": 15, "name": "New Republic (SW)"} {"id": 152, "country": 15, "name": "Popular Orthodox Rally"} {"id": 151, "country": 15, "name": "Communist Party of Greece"} {"id": 149, "country": 15, "name": "Democratic Revival"} {"id": 148, "country": 8, "name": "Deutsche Volksunion"} {"id": 142, "country": 8, "name": "Newropeans"} {"id": 133, "country": 8, "name": "Die Republikaner"} {"id": 121, "country": 8, "name": "Freie W\u00e4hler"} {"id": 120, "country": 8, "name": "Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands"} {"id": 119, "country": 8, "name": "Freie Demokratische Partei"} {"id": 118, "country": 8, "name": "DIE LINKE"} {"id": 117, "country": 8, "name": "Christlich-Soziale Union"} {"id": 116, "country": 8, "name": "Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands"} {"id": 115, "country": 8, "name": "B\u00fcndnis 90 / Die Gr\u00fcnen"} {"id": 114, "country": 14, "name": "Mouvement National R\u00e9publicain"} {"id": 113, "country": 14, "name": "Front National"} {"id": 112, "country": 14, "name": "Alternative Lib\u00e9rale"} {"id": 111, "country": 14, "name": "Mouvement Pour la France"} {"id": 110, "country": 14, "name": "Union pour une Majorit\u00e9 Populaire"} {"id": 109, "country": 14, "name": "Chasse P\u00eache Nature et Traditions"} {"id": 107, "country": 14, "name": "Mouvement D\u00e9mocrate"} {"id": 106, "country": 14, "name": "Parti Radical de Gauche"} {"id": 105, "country": 14, "name": "Mouvement R\u00e9publicain et Citoyen"} {"id": 104, "country": 14, "name": "Parti Socialiste"} {"id": 103, "country": 14, "name": "Les Verts"} {"id": 102, "country": 14, "name": "Parti Communiste Fran\u00e7ais"} {"id": 101, "country": 14, "name": "Lutte Ouvri\u00e8re"} {"id": 100, "country": 14, "name": "Parti Ouvrier Independant"} {"id": 99, "country": 14, "name": "Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste"} {"id": 98, "country": 13, "name": "Vihre\u00e4 liitto"} {"id": 97, "country": 13, "name": "Vasemmistoliitto"} {"id": 96, "country": 13, "name": "Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland"} {"id": 95, "country": 13, "name": "Suomen Ty\u00f6v\u00e4enpuolue"}