{"id": 59, "key": "nyt", "short": "New York Times (NYT)", "full": "New York Times Article Archive", "url": "http://query.nytimes.com/search/"} {"id": 129, "key": "snl", "short": "Store norske leksikon", "full": "Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian encyclopedia)", "url": "http://snl.no/"} {"id": 68, "key": "spectator", "short": "Slovak Spectator", "full": "The Slovak Spectator", "url": "http://spectator.sme.sk/"} {"id": 98, "key": "cbs", "short": "CBS StatLine", "full": "Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek \u2013 StatLine databank (Statistics Netherlands \u2013 StatLine database)", "url": "http://statline.cbs.nl/"} {"id": 174, "key": "alth", "short": "Al\u00fe\u00fd\u00f0ubla\u00f0i\u00f0", "full": "Al\u00fe\u00fd\u00f0ubla\u00f0i\u00f0 (The People's Paper)", "url": "http://timarit.is/"} {"id": 29, "key": "valt", "short": "Valtioneuvosto", "full": "Valtioneuvosto \u2013 Statsr\u00e5det (Finnish Government)", "url": "http://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/government/history"} {"id": 38, "key": "voltive", "short": "Dr\u017eavna volilna komisija", "full": "Dr\u017eavna volilna komisija (National Electoral Commission Slovenia)", "url": "http://volitve.gov.si/en/"} {"id": 127, "key": "edu", "short": "Eduskunta", "full": "Eduskunta \u2013 Riksdagen (Parliament of Finland)", "url": "http://web.eduskunta.fi/Resource.phx/parliament/index.htx"} {"id": 274, "key": "ws", "short": "World Statesmen", "full": "WorldStatesmen.org is an online encyclopedia of the leaders of nations and territories", "url": "http://worldstatesmen.org/"} {"id": 75, "key": "swiss", "short": "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft", "full": "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation)", "url": "http://www.admin.ch/"} {"id": 81, "key": "aec", "short": "AEC", "full": "Australian Electoral Commission", "url": "http://www.aec.gov.au/"} {"id": 186, "key": "ageu", "short": "Agence Europe", "full": "Agence Europe", "url": "http://www.agenceurope.com/EN/index.html"} {"id": 166, "key": "ager", "short": "Agerpres", "full": "Agen\u021bia Rom\u00e2n\u0103 de Pres\u0103 (Romanian Press Agency)", "url": "http://www.agerpres.ro/"} {"id": 204, "key": "ansa", "short": "ANSA", "full": "ANSA (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata)", "url": "http://www.ansa.it/"} {"id": 172, "key": "aph-11", "short": "Parliamentary Handbook of Australia (2011)", "full": "Parliamentary Library 2011: 43rd Parliament. Parliamentary Handbook of the Commonwealth of Australia 2011.", "url": "http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/~/media/05%20About%20Parliament/54%20Parliamentary%20Depts/544%20Parliamentary%20Library/Handbook/43rd_PH_complet"} {"id": 94, "key": "aph", "short": "Australian Parliamentary Handbook", "full": "Parliamentary Handbook of the Commonwealth of Australia", "url": "http://www.aph.gov.au/library/handbook/"} {"id": 143, "key": "barber", "short": "Barber ea. (2008)", "full": "Barber, Stephen, Christopher Lawley, Scott Bennett, and Gerard Newman. 2008. Federal election results 1901\u20132007. Parliament of Australia \u2013 Parliamentary Library.", "url": "http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/rp/2008-09/09rp17.pdf"} {"id": 49, "key": "ark", "short": "Northern Ireland Elections", "full": "Nicholas Whyte \u2013 Northern Ireland Elections", "url": "http://www.ark.ac.uk/elections/"} {"id": 227, "key": "asn", "short": "Assembl\u00e9e Nationale", "full": "Assembl\u00e9e Nationale (French National Assembly)", "url": "http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/elections/histoire.asp"} {"id": 36, "key": "bec", "short": "Biroul Electoral Central ", "full": "Biroul Electoral Central (Central Election Bureau Romania)", "url": "http://www.bec2009pe.ro/"} {"id": 189, "key": "bka", "short": "Bundeskanzleramt", "full": "Bundeskanzleramt (Federal Chancellery)", "url": "http://www.bka.gv.at/"} {"id": 82, "key": "bb", "short": "Bloomberg", "full": "Bloomberg", "url": "http://www.bloomberg.com"} {"id": 28, "key": "bmi", "short": "Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Inneres", "full": "Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Inneres (Federal Ministry for the Interior) \u2013 \u00d6sterreichische Bundeswahlbeh\u00f6rde (Austrian Federal Electoral Board)", "url": "http://www.bmi.gv.at/cms/BMI_wahlen/"} {"id": 240, "key": "bns", "short": "BNS", "full": "Baltic News Sevice", "url": "http://www.bns.ee/en/"} {"id": 156, "key": "boe", "short": "Bolet\u00edn Oficial del Estado (BOE)", "full": "Bolet\u00edn Oficial del Estado (Official Bulletin of the State)", "url": "http://www.boe.es/"} {"id": 187, "key": "bta", "short": "BTA", "full": "Bulgarian News Agency (BTA)", "url": "http://www.bta.bg/en/"} {"id": 93, "key": "dhbt", "short": "Datenhandbuch Bundestag", "full": "Datenhandbuch zur Geschichte des Deutschen Bundestages\r\n", "url": "http://www.bundestag.de/dokumente/datenhandbuch/"} {"id": 7, "key": "bwl", "short": "Bundeswahlleiter", "full": "Bundeswahlleiter (Federal Returning Officer) \u2013 Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)", "url": "http://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/"} {"id": 230, "key": "camera", "short": "Camera dei deputati", "full": "Camera dei deputati ", "url": "http://www.camera.it/"} {"id": 235, "key": "cbs-isr", "short": "CBS", "full": "Israel Central Bureau of Statistics", "url": "http://www.cbs.gov.il/reader/?MIval=cw_usr_view_SHTML&ID=445"} {"id": 167, "key": "cdep", "short": "Camera Deputa\u0163ilor", "full": "Camera Deputa\u0163ilor (Chamber of Deputies)", "url": "http://www.cdep.ro/"} {"id": 268, "key": "chisols", "short": "CHISOLS dataset", "full": "Mattes, Michaela, Brett Ashley Leeds, and Naoko Matsumura. 2016. \u201cMeasuring Change in Source of Leader Support: The CHISOLS Dataset.\u201d Journal of Peace Research 53(2): 259\u201367.", "url": "http://www.chisols.org/"} {"id": 92, "key": "corriere", "short": "Corriere", "full": "Corriere della Sera", "url": "http://www.corriere.it/english/"} {"id": 73, "key": "ctk", "short": "\u010cTK", "full": "\u010cesk\u00e1 tiskov\u00e1 kancel\u00e1\u0159 (Czech News Agency)", "url": "http://www.ctk.eu/"} {"id": 136, "key": "cymail", "short": "Cyprus Mail", "full": "Cyprus Mail", "url": "http://www.cyprus-mail.com/"} {"id": 100, "key": "cy-gov", "short": "cyprus.gov.cy", "full": "Cyprus Government Web Portal (G.W.P) ", "url": "http://www.cyprus.gov.cy"} {"id": 120, "key": "dsd", "short": "Danske Encyklop\u00e6di", "full": "Den Store Danske Encyklop\u00e6di (The Great Danish Encyclopedia)", "url": "http://www.denstoredanske.dk/"} {"id": 159, "key": "dere", "short": "flandersnews.be", "full": "flandersnews.be (VRT)", "url": "http://www.deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english"} {"id": 46, "key": "doi", "short": "Elections in Malta", "full": "Elections in Malta \u2013 Department of Information \u2013 Government of Malta", "url": "http://www.doi.gov.mt/EN/elections/"} {"id": 246, "key": "dpa", "short": "dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur", "full": "dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur (German Press Agency)", "url": "http://www.dpa.de/English.82.0.html"} {"id": 233, "key": "dr", "short": "DR", "full": "DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation)", "url": "http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Andre_sprog/English/"} {"id": 85, "key": "yb-dnk", "short": "Statistisk \u00c5rbog", "full": "Statistisk \u00c5rbog (Statistical Yearbook of Denmark)", "url": "http://www.dst.dk/aarbogsarkiv"} {"id": 24, "key": "valgside", "short": "Danmarks Statistik valgside", "full": "Danmarks Statistik valgside (Statistics Denmark election page)", "url": "http://www.dst.dk/valg"} {"id": 148, "key": "dw", "short": "Deutsche Welle", "full": "Deutsche Welle", "url": "http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,266,00.html?id=266"} {"id": 202, "key": "kath", "short": "Kathimerini", "full": "Kathimerini (\u0397 \u039a\u03b1\u03b8\u03b7\u03bc\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03bd\u03ae)", "url": "http://www.ekathimerini.com/"} {"id": 179, "key": "clea-11", "short": "CLEA", "full": "Ken Kollman, Allen Hicken, Daniele Caramani, and David Backer. Constituency-Level Elections Archive (CLEA; www.electiondataarchive.org), September 14, 2011 [dataset]. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies [producer and distributor]. ", "url": "http://www.electiondataarchive.org/"} {"id": 262, "key": "eg", "short": "ElectionGuide", "full": "Election Guide: Democracy assistance and election news", "url": "http://www.electionguide.org/"} {"id": 213, "key": "er", "short": "Election Resources", "full": "\u00c1lvarez-Rivera, Manuel \u2013 Election Resources", "url": "http://www.electionresources.org/"} {"id": 155, "key": "ec-nz", "short": "Electoral Commission", "full": "Electoral Commission (New Zealand) ", "url": "http://www.electionresults.govt.nz/"} {"id": 144, "key": "ceoc", "short": "Chief Electoral Officer of Canada", "full": "Chief Electoral Officer of Canada\r\n", "url": "http://www.elections.ca"} {"id": 212, "key": "epl", "short": "Minist\u00e8re de l'Int\u00e9rieur (Luxembourg)", "full": "Minist\u00e8re de l'Int\u00e9rieur - Le site officiel des \u00e9lections au Grand-Duch\u00e9 de Luxembourg (Ministry of internal affairs - Official election results of Luxembourg)", "url": "http://www.elections.public.lu/fr/index.html"} {"id": 112, "key": "ec", "short": "Electoral Commission", "full": "The Electoral Commission (United Kingdom)", "url": "http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/"} {"id": 121, "key": "elpais", "short": "El Pa\u00eds", "full": "El Pa\u00eds", "url": "http://www.elpais.com/english/"} {"id": 214, "key": "eie", "short": "DoE Ireland", "full": "Department of Environment Ireland", "url": "http://www.environ.ie/en/LocalGovernment/Voting/"} {"id": 27, "key": "mep", "short": "Members European Parliament", "full": "Members of the European Parliament (www.europarl.europa.eu)", "url": "http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/archive/alphaOrder.do?language=EN"} {"id": 51, "key": "ukeu", "short": "UK Office of the European Parliament", "full": "The United Kingdom Office of the European Parliament.", "url": "http://www.europarl.org.uk/section/european-elections/european-elections"} {"id": 20, "key": "folketing", "short": "Folketing", "full": "Folketing election results and governments", "url": "http://www.folketinget.dk/"} {"id": 241, "key": "frpo", "short": "France Politique", "full": "France Politique", "url": "http://www.france-politique.fr/"} {"id": 199, "key": "fragov", "short": "Portail du Government", "full": "Portail du Government -- (French Government)", "url": "http://www.gouvernement./"} {"id": 222, "key": "hina", "short": "HINA", "full": "HINA \u2013 Hrvatska izvje\u0161tajna novinska agencija (Croatian News Agency)", "url": "http://www.hina.hr/"} {"id": 192, "key": "apa", "short": "APA", "full": "APA \u2013 Austria Presse Agentur (Austria Press Agency)", "url": "http://www.historisch.apa.at/cms/apa-historisch/start.html"} {"id": 149, "key": "his", "short": "Historisches Lexikon", "full": "Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (Historical Dictionary of Switzerland)", "url": "http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/index.php"} {"id": 44, "key": "ibz", "short": "IBZ", "full": "IBZ \u2013 Federale Overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken \u2013 Service public f\u00e9d\u00e9ral Int\u00e9rieur \u2013 F\u00f6deraler \u00d6ffentlicher Dienst Inneres", "url": "http://www.ibzdgip.fgov.be/"} {"id": 105, "key": "review", "short": "Iceland Review", "full": "Iceland Review online", "url": "http://www.icelandreview.com/"} {"id": 11, "key": "idea", "short": "International IDEA", "full": "International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)", "url": "http://www.idea.int/vt/"} {"id": 90, "key": "epp", "short": "Elecciones y Partidos Pol\u00edticos", "full": "Elecciones y Partidos Pol\u00edticos (Elections and Political Parties in Spain)", "url": "http://www.infoelectoral.mir.es/"} {"id": 200, "key": "insse", "short": "Institutul National de Statistica", "full": "Institutul National de Statistica (National Institute of Statistics Romania)", "url": "http://www.insse.ro/cms/rw/pages/index.en.do"} {"id": 257, "key": "mi", "short": "Ministerio del Interior", "full": "Ministerio del Interior (Ministry of Internal Affairs)", "url": "http://www.interior.gob.es/"} {"id": 12, "key": "parline", "short": "PARLINE IPU", "full": "Inter-Parliamentary Union's database on national parliaments (PARliaments onLINE)", "url": "http://www.ipu.org/parline/"} {"id": 224, "key": "irti", "short": "Irish Times", "full": "The Irish Times", "url": "http://www.irishtimes.com/"} {"id": 89, "key": "iris", "short": "Iris Oifigi\u00fail", "full": "Iris Oifigi\u00fail (Irish State News)", "url": "http://www.irisoifigiuil.ie/"} {"id": 217, "key": "izbori", "short": "IZBORI", "full": "Dzavno Izborno Povjerenstvo Republike Hrvatske - State Electoral Commission of Croatia", "url": "http://www.izbori.hr/izbori/dip_ws.nsf/public/index?open"} {"id": 243, "key": "jta", "short": "JTA", "full": "Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)", "url": "http://www.jta.org/jta-archive/archive-page"} {"id": 58, "key": "keesings", "short": "Keesing's", "full": "Keesing's record of world events", "url": "http://www.keesings.com/"} {"id": 66, "key": "kiesraad", "short": "Kiesraad", "full": "Kiesraad (Electoral Council Netherlands) ", "url": "http://www.kiesraad.nl/"} {"id": 234, "key": "knesset", "short": "Knesset", "full": "Knesset Elections Results", "url": "http://www.knesset.gov.il/description/eng/eng_mimshal_res.htm"} {"id": 147, "key": "knr", "short": "Kalaallit Nunaata Radio", "full": "Kalaallit Nunaata Radio (Greenlandic Broadcasting Corporation)", "url": "http://www.knr.gl/en"} {"id": 225, "key": "sonntag", "short": "Politica", "full": "Lars Sonntag: Politica \u2013 Governments, elections and party leaders", "url": "http://www.kolumbus.fi/taglarsson/"} {"id": 146, "key": "kvf", "short": "Kringvarp F\u00f8roya", "full": "Kringvarp F\u00f8roya (Broadcasting Corporation Faeroe Islands, Denmark)", "url": "http://www.kringvarp.fo/"} {"id": 219, "key": "lis", "short": "Landskj\u00f6rstj\u00f3rn", "full": "Landskj\u00f6rstj\u00f3rn - National Electoral Commission Iceland", "url": "http://www.landskjor.is/"} {"id": 152, "key": "leta", "short": "LETA", "full": "Nacion\u0101l\u0101 zi\u0146u a\u0123ent\u016bra LETA (National News Agency LETA)", "url": "http://www.leta.lv/eng/index.php"} {"id": 207, "key": "lt", "short": "Lithuania Tribune", "full": "The Lithuania Tribune", "url": "http://www.lithuaniatribune.com/"} {"id": 45, "key": "ray", "short": "Ray (1999)", "full": "Ray, Leonard. 1999. \u201cMeasuring party orientations towards European integration: Results from an expert survey.\u201d European Journal of Political Research 36(2):283\u2013306.", "url": "http://www.lsu.edu/faculty/lray2/data/data.html"} {"id": 142, "key": "mbl", "short": "Morgunbla\u00f0i\u00f0", "full": "Morgunbla\u00f0i\u00f0 (The Morning Paper)", "url": "http://www.mbl.is/mm/frettir/english/"} {"id": 242, "key": "mti-eco", "short": "MTI-Eco", "full": "MTI-Econews", "url": "http://www.mtieco.hu/Pages/Login.aspx?lang=eng"} {"id": 206, "key": "verk", "short": "nlverkiezingen.com", "full": "Nederlandse verkiezingsuitslagen 1918-nu (Dutch election results since 1918)", "url": "http://www.nlverkiezingen.com/index_en.html"} {"id": 124, "key": "sna", "short": "Sofia News Agency", "full": "Sofia News Agency", "url": "http://www.novinite.com/"} {"id": 123, "key": "eed", "short": "EED", "full": "European Election Database", "url": "http://www.nsd.uib.no/european_election_database/index.html"} {"id": 158, "key": "nzhe", "short": "The New Zealand Herald", "full": "The New Zealand Herald", "url": "http://www.nzherald.co.nz/"} {"id": 195, "key": "nzpa", "short": "NZPA", "full": "New Zealand Press Association", "url": "http://www.nzpa.co.nz/"} {"id": 62, "key": "nzz", "short": "NZZ", "full": "Neue Z\u00fcrcher Zeitung", "url": "http://www.nzz.ch/"} {"id": 140, "key": "oepa", "short": "\u00d6sterreichisches Parlament", "full": "\u00d6sterreichisches Parlament (Austrian Parliament)", "url": "http://www.parlament.gv.at/ENGL/"} {"id": 198, "key": "papo", "short": "Parlement & Politiek", "full": "Parlement & Politiek", "url": "http://www.parlement.com/"} {"id": 55, "key": "parlgov", "short": "ParlGov database (D\u00f6ring ea. 2023)", "full": "D\u00f6ring, Holger, Constantin Huber, Philip Manow, Maike Hesse and Alexandra Quaas. 2023. Parliaments and governments database (ParlGov): Information on parties, elections and cabinets in established democracies.", "url": "http://www.parlgov.org/"} {"id": 160, "key": "nz-parl", "short": "New Zealand Parliament", "full": "New Zealand Parliament", "url": "http://www.parliament.nz/"} {"id": 138, "key": "hcl-rp", "short": "Election Statistics: UK 1918-2007", "full": "Election Statistics: UK 1918-2007 \u2013 Research Paper 08/12 \u2013 House of Commons Library\r\n", "url": "http://www.parliament.uk"} {"id": 249, "key": "epe-rp", "short": "EPE - HoC Library", "full": "European Parliament Elections \u2013 House of Commons Library", "url": "http://www.parliament.uk/"} {"id": 87, "key": "ees", "short": "EES (2009)", "full": "European Parliament Election Study 2009, Voter Study, Advance Release, 30/06/2010.", "url": "http://www.piredeu.eu/"} {"id": 56, "key": "pkw", "short": "Pa\u0144stwowa Komisja Wyborcza ", "full": "Pa\u0144stwowa Komisja Wyborcza (National Election Commission, Poland)", "url": "http://www.pkw.gov.pl/"} {"id": 239, "key": "pnbbae", "short": "Polish News Bulletin", "full": "Polish News Bulletin", "url": "http://www.pnb.pl/"}