{"id": 278, "key": "zeit", "short": "Zeit", "full": "ZEIT Online", "url": "https://www.zeit.de/index"} {"id": 277, "key": "qin", "short": "Qinersineq - valg.gl", "full": "Qinersineq", "url": "https://www.valg.gl/"} {"id": 26, "key": "val", "short": "Valmyndigheten", "full": "Valmyndigheten (Swedish Election Authority)", "url": "https://www.val.se/"} {"id": 292, "key": "tmisra", "short": "tmisra", "full": "Times of Israel ", "url": "https://www.timesofisrael.com/"} {"id": 275, "key": "tlse", "short": "The Local Sweden", "full": "The Local Europe AB - Sweden", "url": "https://www.thelocal.se/"} {"id": 265, "key": "local", "short": "The Local", "full": "The Local (various countries)", "url": "https://www.thelocal.com/"} {"id": 263, "key": "gu", "short": "Guardian", "full": "The Guardian", "url": "https://www.theguardian.com/international"} {"id": 270, "key": "tcd", "short": "Trinity College Dublin", "full": "Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin", "url": "https://www.tcd.ie/"} {"id": 271, "key": "tc", "short": "Trinity College Dublin", "full": "Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin", "url": "https://www.tcd.ie/"} {"id": 96, "key": "ro", "short": "Rijksoverheid", "full": "Rijksoverheid (Dutch government)", "url": "https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/regering/inhoud/over-de-regering/kabinetten-sinds-1945"} {"id": 116, "key": "reg-no", "short": "Regjeringen", "full": "Regjeringen (Norway's Governments)", "url": "https://www.regjeringen.no/en/the-government/previous-governments/"} {"id": 287, "key": "psp", "short": "Parliament Czechia ", "full": "Parliament of the Czech Republic \u2014 Chamber of Deputies", "url": "https://www.psp.cz/"} {"id": 290, "key": "parlamento-pt", "short": "parlamento-pt", "full": "Assembleia da Rep\u00fablica (Portuguese Parliament)", "url": "https://www.parlamento.pt/sites/en/"} {"id": 289, "key": "parlament-hu", "short": "parlament-hu", "full": "Orsz\u00e1ggy\u0171l\u00e9s (Hungarian National Assembly)", "url": "https://www.parlament.hu/en/web/house-of-the-national-assembly"} {"id": 269, "key": "onb", "short": "\u00d6sterreichische Nationalbibliothek", "full": "\u00d6sterreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)", "url": "https://www.onb.ac.at/"} {"id": 47, "key": "ref", "short": "R\u00e9sultats \u00e9lectoraux en France", "full": "R\u00e9sultats \u00e9lectoraux en France (Election results France) \u2013 Minist\u00e8re de l'Int\u00e9rieur (Minister of the Interior)", "url": "https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Elections/"} {"id": 272, "key": "hp", "short": "Haber Turk", "full": "Haber Turk", "url": "https://www.haberturk.com/"} {"id": 288, "key": "erakonnad", "short": "erakonnad.info", "full": "Eesti Erakondade Ajalugu (History of Estonian Political Parties)", "url": "https://www.erakonnad.info/"} {"id": 176, "key": "elta", "short": "ELTA", "full": "Lietuvos naujien\u0173 agent\u016bra (Lithuanian News Agency)", "url": "https://www.elta.lt/en"} {"id": 266, "key": "dn", "short": "Dutch News", "full": "Dutch News", "url": "https://www.dutchnews.nl/"} {"id": 291, "key": "dnse", "short": "Dagens Nyheter", "full": "Dagens Nyheter", "url": "https://www.dn.se/"} {"id": 35, "key": "cvk", "short": "Centr\u0101l\u0101 v\u0113l\u0113\u0161anu komisija", "full": "Centr\u0101l\u0101 v\u0113l\u0113\u0161anu komisija (Central Election Commission Latvia)", "url": "https://www.cvk.lv/en"} {"id": 4, "key": "ches", "short": "Chapel Hill expert survey series", "full": "Chapel Hill expert survey series (CHES):\r\nHooghe, Liesbet et al. 2010. \u201cReliability and validity of the 2002 and 2006 Chapel Hill expert surveys on party positioning.\u201d European Journal of Political Research 49(5):687\u2013703.\r\nSteenbergen, Marco, and Gary Marks. 2007. \u201cEvaluating expert judgments.\u201d European Journal of Political Research 46(3):347\u2013366.\r\nRyan Bakker, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Vachudova. 2012. \"Measuring Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2010.\u201d Party Politics (forthcoming).", "url": "https://www.chesdata.eu/"} {"id": 150, "key": "bafs", "short": "Bundesamt f\u00fcr Statistik", "full": "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft - Bundesamt f\u00fcr Statistik (Statistical Office of Switzerland)", "url": "https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home.html"} {"id": 279, "key": "cec", "short": "CEC", "full": "Central Elections Committee", "url": "https://www.bechirot.gov.il/"} {"id": 118, "key": "ana", "short": "ANA", "full": "Athens News Agency (ANA)", "url": "https://www.amna.gr/en"} {"id": 293, "key": "sr", "short": "Radio Sweden", "full": "Sveriges Radio \u2013 Radio Sweden", "url": "https://sverigesradio.se/radiosweden"} {"id": 252, "key": "boix-2013", "short": "Boix ea. (2013)", "full": "Boix, Carles, Michael Miller, and Sebastian Rosato. 2013. \u201cA Complete Data Set of Political Regimes, 1800\u20132007.\u201d Comparative Political Studies 46(12):1523\u201354.", "url": "https://sites.google.com/site/mkmtwo/data"} {"id": 258, "key": "prz-13", "short": "Przeworski (2013)", "full": "Przeworski, Adam. 2013. \u201cPolitical Institutions and Political Events (PIPE) Data Set. Department of Politics, New York University.\u201d", "url": "https://sites.google.com/a/nyu.edu/adam-przeworski/home/data"} {"id": 276, "key": "bbcm", "short": "BBCM", "full": "BBC Monitoring", "url": "https://monitoring.bbc.co.uk/"} {"id": 281, "key": "euobs", "short": "EUobserver", "full": "EUobserver", "url": "https://euobserver.com/"} {"id": 283, "key": "emw", "short": "EMW", "full": "EmergingMarketWatch", "url": "https://emergingmarketwatch.com/"} {"id": 261, "key": "ecm", "short": "Electoral Commission Malta", "full": "Electoral Commission of Malta", "url": "https://electoral.gov.mt/Elections"} {"id": 238, "key": "elec-irl", "short": "ElectionsIreland.org", "full": "ElectionsIreland.org", "url": "https://electionsireland.org/"} {"id": 52, "key": "pica", "short": "ParlInfo Canada", "full": "ParlInfo \u2013 Parliament of Canada", "url": "http://www2.parl.gc.ca/parlinfo"} {"id": 16, "key": "essex", "short": "Essex CEE elections database ", "full": "Database on Central and Eastern European Elections: Project on Political Transformation and the Electoral Process in Post-Communist Europe", "url": "http://www2.essex.ac.uk/elect/database/database.asp"} {"id": 201, "key": "mig", "short": "Ministry of Interior (Greece)", "full": "Hellenic Republic - Ministry of Interior", "url": "http://www.ypes.gr/en/Elections/"} {"id": 64, "key": "yomiuri", "short": "Yomiuri Shimbun", "full": "The Daily Yomiuri, The Yomiuri Shimbun", "url": "http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/"} {"id": 108, "key": "yle", "short": "YLE", "full": "Yleisradio Oy (Finnish Broadcasting Company)", "url": "http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/news//"} {"id": 282, "key": "xna", "short": "XNA", "full": "Xinhua News Agency", "url": "http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/"} {"id": 6, "key": "cmp", "short": "Budge ea. (2001) and Klingemann ea. (2006)", "full": "Budge, Ian, Hans-Dieter Klingemann, Andrea Volkens, Judith Bara, and Eric Tanenbaum. 2001. Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments 1945-1998. Oxford: Oxford University Press.;\r\n\r\nKlingemann, Hans-Dieter, Andrea Volkens, Judith Bara, Ian Budge, and Michael McDonald. 2006. Mapping Policy Preferences II: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments in Eastern Europe, European Union, and OECD 1990-2003. Oxford: Oxford University Press.", "url": "http://www.wzb.eu/en/research/civil-society-conflicts-and-democracy/democracy/projects/the-manifesto-project"} {"id": 15, "key": "w", "short": "Wikipedia", "full": "Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia", "url": "http://www.wikipedia.org/"} {"id": 61, "key": "wid", "short": "Wahlen in Deutschland", "full": "Valentin Schr\u00f6der: Wahlen in Deutschland", "url": "http://www.wahlen-in-deutschland.de/"} {"id": 31, "key": "vvk", "short": "Vabariigi Valimiskomisjon", "full": "Vabariigi Valimiskomisjon (Estonian National Electoral Committee)", "url": "http://www.vvk.ee/?lang=en"} {"id": 34, "key": "vrk", "short": "Vyriausioji rinkim\u0173 komisija", "full": "Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausioji rinkim\u0173 komisija (The Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania)", "url": "http://www.vrk.lt/en/"} {"id": 22, "key": "volby", "short": "Volebn\u00edm serveru \u010cS\u00da", "full": "Volebn\u00edm serveru \u010cS\u00da (CZSO's Election Server) \u2013 \u010cesk\u00fd statistick\u00fd \u00fa\u0159ad (Czech Statistical Office)", "url": "http://www.volby.cz/index_en.htm"} {"id": 161, "key": "vlada", "short": "Vlada Republike Slovenije", "full": "Vlada Republike Slovenije (Government of the Republic of Slovenia)", "url": "http://www.vlada.si/si/o_vladi/prejsnje_vlade/"} {"id": 229, "key": "valg", "short": "VALG", "full": "Kommunal- OG Regionaldepartementet - Stortingsvalget (Elections to the Storting)", "url": "http://www.valgresultat.no/bss.html"} {"id": 39, "key": "ovb", "short": "Orsz\u00e1gos V\u00e1laszt\u00e1si Bizotts\u00e1g", "full": "Orsz\u00e1gos V\u00e1laszt\u00e1si Bizotts\u00e1g (National Election Committee Hungary)", "url": "http://www.valasztas.hu/"} {"id": 134, "key": "rpv", "short": "Registrera partibeteckning", "full": "Registrera partibeteckning \u2013 Valmyndigheten (Registered parties \u2013 Swedish Election Authority)", "url": "http://www.val.se/det_svenska_valsystemet/partier/registrera_partibeteckning/"} {"id": 128, "key": "rpfi", "short": "Rekister\u00f6idyt puolueet", "full": "Rekister\u00f6idyt puolueet \u2013 Registrerade partier (Registered parties Finland)", "url": "http://www.vaalit.fi/15485.htm"} {"id": 110, "key": "vaalit", "short": "Vaalit", "full": "Vaalit \u2013 Oikeusministeri\u00f6 (Elections \u2013 Ministery of Justice Finland)", "url": "http://www.vaalit.fi/"} {"id": 232, "key": "tuik", "short": "T\u00dc\u0130K", "full": "T\u00dc\u0130K T\u00fcrkiye \u0130statistik Kurumu (Turkish Statistical Institute)", "url": "http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/Start.do"} {"id": 153, "key": "tom", "short": "Times of Malta", "full": "Times of Malta", "url": "http://www.timesofmalta.com/"} {"id": 91, "key": "pr", "short": "Polskie Radio", "full": "Polskie Radio (Polish Radio)", "url": "http://www.thenews.pl"} {"id": 218, "key": "glob", "short": "The Globe and Mail", "full": "The Globe and Mail", "url": "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/"} {"id": 251, "key": "tce", "short": "The Canadian Encyclopedia", "full": "The Canadian Encyclopedia", "url": "http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/en/"} {"id": 164, "key": "teara", "short": "Te Ara", "full": "Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand", "url": "http://www.teara.govt.nz/"} {"id": 226, "key": "tagbla", "short": "Tageblatt", "full": "Tageblatt", "url": "http://www.tageblatt.lu/"} {"id": 157, "key": "sw-in", "short": "Swissinfo", "full": "Swissinfo \u2013 Swiss Broadcasting Corporation", "url": "http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/index.html"} {"id": 74, "key": "stt", "short": "STT", "full": "Suomen Tietotoimisto (Finnish News Agency)", "url": "http://www.stt.fi/en/"} {"id": 130, "key": "storting", "short": "Stortinget", "full": "Stortinget (Norwegian Parliament)", "url": "http://www.stortinget.no/en/In-English/"} {"id": 101, "key": "yb-aut", "short": "Statistisches Jahrbuch \u00d6sterreich", "full": "Statistisches Jahrbuch \u00d6sterreich (Statistical Yearbook of Austria)", "url": "http://www.statistik.at/web_en/publications_services/statistisches_jahrbuch/index.html"} {"id": 37, "key": "ssr", "short": "\u0160tatistick\u00fd \u00farad Slovenskej republiky", "full": " \u0160tatistick\u00fd \u00farad Slovenskej republiky (Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic)", "url": "http://www.statistics.sk/"} {"id": 18, "key": "hagstofa", "short": "Hagstofa \u00cdslands", "full": "Hagstofa \u00cdslands (Statistics Iceland)", "url": "http://www.statice.is/Statistics/Elections"} {"id": 71, "key": "su", "short": "Statisti\u010dni urad", "full": "Statisti\u010dni urad Republike Slovenije (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia)", "url": "http://www.stat.si/eng/"} {"id": 250, "key": "sb-jpn", "short": "Statistics Bureau Japan", "full": "Statistics Bureau Japan", "url": "http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/chouki/27.htm"} {"id": 14, "key": "tila", "short": "Tilastokeskus", "full": "Tilastokeskus \u2013 Statistikcentralen (Statistics Finland)", "url": "http://www.stat.fi/til/vaa_en.html"} {"id": 114, "key": "sta", "short": "STA", "full": "Slovenska tiskovna agencija (Slovenian Press Agency)", "url": "http://www.sta.si/en/"} {"id": 25, "key": "seby", "short": "Statistisk sentralbyr\u00e5", "full": "Statistisk sentralbyr\u00e5 (Statistics Norway)", "url": "http://www.ssb.no/stortingsvalg_en/"} {"id": 113, "key": "yb-nor", "short": "Statistisk \u00c5rbok", "full": "Statistisk \u00c5rbok (Statistical Yearbook of Norway)", "url": "http://www.ssb.no/english/yearbook/aarbok.html"} {"id": 125, "key": "mic", "short": "MIC", "full": "Ministry of Internal Affairs (Japan)", "url": "http://www.soumu.go.jp/senkyo/senkyo_s/data/index.html"} {"id": 188, "key": "sita", "short": "SITA", "full": "SITA Slovenska Tlacova Agentura (Slovak News Agency)", "url": "http://www.sita.sk/eng/"} {"id": 228, "key": "senat", "short": "S\u00e9nat", "full": "S\u00e9nat \u2013 French Senate", "url": "http://www.senat.fr/lng/en/index.html"} {"id": 63, "key": "sejm", "short": "Sejm RP", "full": "Sejm Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (Parliament of the Republic Poland, first chamber)", "url": "http://www.sejm.gov.pl/"} {"id": 70, "key": "es", "short": "Electoral Studies", "full": "Electoral Studies \u2013 Notes on Recent Elections", "url": "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02613794"} {"id": 86, "key": "yb-swe", "short": "Statistisk \u00e5rsbok", "full": "Statistisk \u00e5rsbok f\u00f6r Sverige (Statistical Yearbook of Sweden)", "url": "http://www.scb.se/Pages/List____283991.aspx"} {"id": 273, "key": "mmc", "short": "MMC", "full": "RTV Slowenien \u00f6ffentliche Institution, Kolodvorska 2, Ljubljana, Slowenien ", "url": "http://www.rtvslo.si/"} {"id": 103, "key": "rte", "short": "RT\u00c9", "full": "Raidi\u00f3 Teilif\u00eds \u00c9ireann", "url": "http://www.rte.ie/"} {"id": 83, "key": "rnw", "short": "RNW", "full": "Radio Netherlands Worldwide", "url": "http://www.rnw.nl/english/"} {"id": 78, "key": "riksdag", "short": "Riksdag", "full": "Sveriges Riksdag", "url": "http://www.riksdagen.se/"} {"id": 67, "key": "rferl", "short": "RFE/RL", "full": "Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty", "url": "http://www.rferl.org/"} {"id": 65, "key": "reuters", "short": "Reuters", "full": "Reuters", "url": "http://www.reuters.com"} {"id": 80, "key": "reg-se", "short": "Regeringen", "full": "Regeringens och Regeringskansliets (Swedish Government and the Government Offices)", "url": "http://www.regeringen.se/"} {"id": 264, "key": "rnz", "short": "RNZ", "full": "Radio New Zealand", "url": "http://www.radionz.co.nz/"} {"id": 107, "key": "cr7", "short": "\u010cesk\u00fd rozhlas 7", "full": "\u010cesk\u00fd rozhlas 7 \u2013 Radio Praha (Radio Prague)", "url": "http://www.radio.cz/en/"} {"id": 196, "key": "polityka", "short": "Polityka", "full": "Polityka", "url": "http://www.polityka.pl/"} {"id": 1, "key": "benoit", "short": "Benoit and Laver (2006)", "full": "Benoit, Kenneth, and Michael Laver. 2006. Party policy in modern democracies. Routledge.", "url": "http://www.politics.tcd.ie/ppmd/"} {"id": 151, "key": "pol-hu", "short": "Politics.hu", "full": "Politics.hu", "url": "http://www.politics.hu/"} {"id": 239, "key": "pnbbae", "short": "Polish News Bulletin", "full": "Polish News Bulletin", "url": "http://www.pnb.pl/"} {"id": 56, "key": "pkw", "short": "Pa\u0144stwowa Komisja Wyborcza ", "full": "Pa\u0144stwowa Komisja Wyborcza (National Election Commission, Poland)", "url": "http://www.pkw.gov.pl/"} {"id": 87, "key": "ees", "short": "EES (2009)", "full": "European Parliament Election Study 2009, Voter Study, Advance Release, 30/06/2010.", "url": "http://www.piredeu.eu/"} {"id": 249, "key": "epe-rp", "short": "EPE - HoC Library", "full": "European Parliament Elections \u2013 House of Commons Library", "url": "http://www.parliament.uk/"} {"id": 138, "key": "hcl-rp", "short": "Election Statistics: UK 1918-2007", "full": "Election Statistics: UK 1918-2007 \u2013 Research Paper 08/12 \u2013 House of Commons Library\r\n", "url": "http://www.parliament.uk"} {"id": 160, "key": "nz-parl", "short": "New Zealand Parliament", "full": "New Zealand Parliament", "url": "http://www.parliament.nz/"} {"id": 55, "key": "parlgov", "short": "ParlGov database (D\u00f6ring ea. 2023)", "full": "D\u00f6ring, Holger, Constantin Huber, Philip Manow, Maike Hesse and Alexandra Quaas. 2023. Parliaments and governments database (ParlGov): Information on parties, elections and cabinets in established democracies.", "url": "http://www.parlgov.org/"} {"id": 198, "key": "papo", "short": "Parlement & Politiek", "full": "Parlement & Politiek", "url": "http://www.parlement.com/"} {"id": 140, "key": "oepa", "short": "\u00d6sterreichisches Parlament", "full": "\u00d6sterreichisches Parlament (Austrian Parliament)", "url": "http://www.parlament.gv.at/ENGL/"} {"id": 62, "key": "nzz", "short": "NZZ", "full": "Neue Z\u00fcrcher Zeitung", "url": "http://www.nzz.ch/"} {"id": 195, "key": "nzpa", "short": "NZPA", "full": "New Zealand Press Association", "url": "http://www.nzpa.co.nz/"}