info_data_source: 4
This data as json
id | key | short | full | url |
4 | ches | Chapel Hill expert survey series | Chapel Hill expert survey series (CHES): Hooghe, Liesbet et al. 2010. “Reliability and validity of the 2002 and 2006 Chapel Hill expert surveys on party positioning.” European Journal of Political Research 49(5):687–703. Steenbergen, Marco, and Gary Marks. 2007. “Evaluating expert judgments.” European Journal of Political Research 46(3):347–366. Ryan Bakker, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Vachudova. 2012. "Measuring Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File, 1999-2010.” Party Politics (forthcoming). | |