{"rowid": 357, "id": 446, "table_id": 68, "column_number": 7, "name": "yes", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 146, "id": 169, "table_id": 38, "column_number": 6, "name": "year", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "year of party name change", "comment": null} {"rowid": 390, "id": 490, "table_id": {"value": 71, "label": "viewcalc_country_year_share"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "year", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 24, "id": 26, "table_id": {"value": 29, "label": "party"}, "column_number": 9, "name": "wikipedia", "type": "url", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists", "comment": null} {"rowid": 35, "id": 38, "table_id": {"value": 12, "label": "cabinet"}, "column_number": 10, "name": "wikipedia", "type": "url", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists", "comment": null} {"rowid": 65, "id": 77, "table_id": 49, "column_number": 11, "name": "wikipedia", "type": "url", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists", "comment": null} {"rowid": 234, "id": 285, "table_id": {"value": 48, "label": "info_id"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "wikipedia", "type": "url", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists", "comment": null} {"rowid": 366, "id": 460, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "wikipedia", "type": "url", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "link to wikipedia entry or other url if no wikipedia entry exists", "comment": null} {"rowid": 13, "id": 15, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 12, "name": "votes_valid", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of valid votes for parties and candidates -- not including blank votes", "comment": "Based on the number of 'votes_cast' and 'electorate'. For electoral systems with multiple votes cast by each voter a 'data_json' entry 'valid_votes' records the sum of all valid (multiple) votes."} {"rowid": 14, "id": 16, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 11, "name": "votes_cast", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of votes cast in an election -- including invalid and blank votes ", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 7, "id": 9, "table_id": {"value": 8, "label": "election_result"}, "column_number": 8, "name": "votes", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 1, "description": "number of votes", "comment": "Information for this table is not systematically coded for all countries. Please refer to wiki.parlgov.org to get further information about the detail of country codings."} {"rowid": 6, "id": 8, "table_id": {"value": 8, "label": "election_result"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "vote_share", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "percentage of votes for a party", "comment": null} {"rowid": 272, "id": 333, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 5, "name": "vote_share", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "percentage of votes for a party", "comment": null} {"rowid": 368, "id": 463, "table_id": 50, "column_number": 19, "name": "validation", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "observation has been validated with an external source", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 145, "id": 168, "table_id": {"value": 41, "label": "info_data_source"}, "column_number": 5, "name": "url", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "url of reference", "comment": null} {"rowid": 221, "id": 270, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "type_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'info_id' of election type", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 332, "id": 418, "table_id": {"value": 64, "label": "party_family"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "type_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "ParlGov unique party family identifier -- see table 'info_id' for a description", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 343, "id": 430, "table_id": 67, "column_number": 3, "name": "type_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 1, "description": "experimental coding type of cabinet support", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 351, "id": 440, "table_id": 68, "column_number": 5, "name": "type_id", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 90, "id": 111, "table_id": {"value": 34, "label": "info_table"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "type", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "type of the table. either table or view", "comment": null} {"rowid": 123, "id": 146, "table_id": {"value": 13, "label": "info_variable"}, "column_number": 5, "name": "type", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "type of data (text, integer, real, binary, date)", "comment": null} {"rowid": 396, "id": 496, "table_id": 72, "column_number": 6, "name": "type", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 417, "id": 522, "table_id": {"value": 74, "label": "view_variable"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "type", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "type of data (text, integer, real, binary, date)", "comment": null} {"rowid": 404, "id": 507, "table_id": {"value": 27, "label": "viewcalc_election_parameter"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "turnout", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "voter turnout \u2013 share of 'votes cast' relative to 'electorate'", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 360, "id": 449, "table_id": 68, "column_number": 12, "name": "total", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 250, "id": 304, "table_id": 49, "column_number": 4, "name": "title", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": null, "comment": null} {"rowid": 233, "id": 284, "table_id": {"value": 48, "label": "info_id"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "table_variable", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "name of table and variable (format: tablename_variablename)", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 415, "id": 520, "table_id": {"value": 74, "label": "view_variable"}, "column_number": 1, "name": "table_name", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": " name of table in ParlGov database", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 121, "id": 144, "table_id": {"value": 13, "label": "info_variable"}, "column_number": 2, "name": "table_id", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "table identifier in 'info_table'", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 394, "id": 494, "table_id": 72, "column_number": 5, "name": "table_id", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 265, "id": 326, "table_id": {"value": 7, "label": "viewcalc_party_position"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "state_market", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "0--10 scale mean value in 'regulation of the economy' dimension with data from Benoit/Laver 2006 and CHES 2010", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 294, "id": 365, "table_id": {"value": 52, "label": "view_party"}, "column_number": 10, "name": "state_market", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "0--10 scale mean value in 'regulation of the economy' dimension with data from Benoit/Laver 2006 and CHES 2010", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 40, "id": 43, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "start_date", "type": "date", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "Commissioner entered Commission", "comment": null} {"rowid": 55, "id": 65, "table_id": 50, "column_number": 12, "name": "start_date", "type": "date", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "date person took up position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 75, "id": 88, "table_id": {"value": 12, "label": "cabinet"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "start_date", "type": "date", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "start of cabinet defined as the date of the first event that determines a new cabinet", "comment": "For some (continuation) caretaker cabinet, the date is set to election date."} {"rowid": 283, "id": 348, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "start_date", "type": "date", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "start of cabinet defined as the date of the first event that determines a new cabinet", "comment": "For some (continuation) caretaker cabinet, the date is set to election date."} {"rowid": 407, "id": 510, "table_id": {"value": 73, "label": "politician_president"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "start_date", "type": "date", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 143, "id": 166, "table_id": {"value": 41, "label": "info_data_source"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "short", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "short reference", "comment": null} {"rowid": 232, "id": 283, "table_id": {"value": 48, "label": "info_id"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "short", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "short name", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 334, "id": 420, "table_id": 61, "column_number": null, "name": "short", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 392, "id": 492, "table_id": {"value": 71, "label": "viewcalc_country_year_share"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "share", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "share of year observation covers", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 66, "id": 78, "table_id": 49, "column_number": 12, "name": "sex_male", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": null, "comment": null} {"rowid": 12, "id": 14, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 9, "name": "seats_total", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "total number of seats", "comment": null} {"rowid": 274, "id": 335, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "seats_total", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "total number of seats", "comment": null} {"rowid": 5, "id": 7, "table_id": {"value": 8, "label": "election_result"}, "column_number": 6, "name": "seats", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of seats won by party", "comment": "Seats coded for alliance members if information available. Coded as 0 for parties that won no seats and as missing value for electoral alliances if seats are coded at the level of alliance members."} {"rowid": 139, "id": 162, "table_id": 40, "column_number": 6, "name": "seats", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of seats", "comment": null} {"rowid": 273, "id": 334, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 6, "name": "seats", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of seats won by party", "comment": "Seats coded for alliance members if information available. Coded as 0 for parties that won no seats and as missing value for electoral alliances if seats are coded at the level of alliance members."} {"rowid": 304, "id": 375, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 9, "name": "seats", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of seats in parliament", "comment": "In versions prior to ParlGov 11/07, the number of seats was based on seats won at the last election (table 'election_result'). It does now take into account changes in parliament -- see documentation for table 'viewcalc_parliament_composition'."} {"rowid": 372, "id": 469, "table_id": {"value": 69, "label": "viewcalc_parliament_composition"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "seats", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of seats in parliament", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 380, "id": 478, "table_id": 70, "column_number": 6, "name": "seats", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of seats in parliament", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 175, "id": 206, "table_id": {"value": 28, "label": "external_party_huber_inglehart"}, "column_number": 9, "name": "sd", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "standard deviation of left/right position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 48, "id": 52, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 17, "name": "score_position", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "score for highest position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 337, "id": 424, "table_id": 65, "column_number": 3, "name": "salience", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "salience measure", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 166, "id": 197, "table_id": 38, "column_number": 8, "name": "row_number", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "row number of entry in CMP party table", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 176, "id": 207, "table_id": {"value": 28, "label": "external_party_huber_inglehart"}, "column_number": 10, "name": "respondents", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of respondents", "comment": null} {"rowid": 185, "id": 219, "table_id": {"value": 3, "label": "external_party_castles_mair"}, "column_number": 9, "name": "respondents", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "number of respondents", "comment": null} {"rowid": 79, "id": 92, "table_id": 50, "column_number": 14, "name": "resignation_cause", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "short textual information on the cause of resignation", "comment": null} {"rowid": 195, "id": 229, "table_id": {"value": 1, "label": "external_country_iso"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "region", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "region name", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 148, "id": 174, "table_id": {"value": 19, "label": "country"}, "column_number": 13, "name": "ray", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "Ray (1996) expert survey country ID", "comment": null} {"rowid": 150, "id": 176, "table_id": {"value": 29, "label": "party"}, "column_number": 23, "name": "ray", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "Ray (1999) expert survey party ID -- combined country ID and party ID", "comment": null} {"rowid": 297, "id": 368, "table_id": {"value": 52, "label": "view_party"}, "column_number": 18, "name": "ray", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "Ray (1999) expert survey party ID -- combined country ID and party ID", "comment": null} {"rowid": 174, "id": 205, "table_id": {"value": 28, "label": "external_party_huber_inglehart"}, "column_number": 8, "name": "range_right", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "upper bound of left/right position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 187, "id": 221, "table_id": {"value": 3, "label": "external_party_castles_mair"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "range_right", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "upper bound of left/right position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 173, "id": 204, "table_id": {"value": 28, "label": "external_party_huber_inglehart"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "range_left", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "lower bound of left/right position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 188, "id": 222, "table_id": {"value": 3, "label": "external_party_castles_mair"}, "column_number": 6, "name": "range_left", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "lower bound of left/right position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 84, "id": 101, "table_id": {"value": 19, "label": "country"}, "column_number": 21, "name": "public", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "indicates if data for this country is included in ParlGov's stable and development version", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 298, "id": 369, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 8, "name": "prime_minister", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "indicates if the party fills the prime minster position", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 306, "id": 377, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 17, "name": "previous_parliament_election_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'election_id' of previous national parliament election in the country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 308, "id": 379, "table_id": {"value": 12, "label": "cabinet"}, "column_number": 16, "name": "previous_parliament_election_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'election_id' of previous parliamentary election in the country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 310, "id": 381, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 14, "name": "previous_parliament_election_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'election_id' of previous national parliament election in the country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 305, "id": 376, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 18, "name": "previous_ep_election_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'election_id' of previous national EP election for this country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 307, "id": 378, "table_id": {"value": 12, "label": "cabinet"}, "column_number": 17, "name": "previous_ep_election_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'election_id' of previous EP election in the country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 309, "id": 380, "table_id": {"value": 12, "label": "cabinet"}, "column_number": 15, "name": "previous_cabinet_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'cabinet_id' of previous national cabinet in the country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 311, "id": 382, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 18, "name": "previous_cabinet_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'cabinet_id' of previous national cabinet in the country", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 312, "id": 383, "table_id": {"value": 35, "label": "election"}, "column_number": 19, "name": "previous_cabinet_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'cabinet_id' of incumbent government", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 340, "id": 427, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 15, "name": "previous_cabinet_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "'cabinet_id' of incumbent government", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 400, "id": 500, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 22, "name": "previous_cabinet_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "ParlGov unique cabinet identifier -- cabinet in office at the time of appointment", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 50, "id": 54, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 14, "name": "president", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "president of Commission", "comment": null} {"rowid": 211, "id": 247, "table_id": 46, "column_number": 5, "name": "president", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "party president", "comment": null} {"rowid": 53, "id": 59, "table_id": 50, "column_number": 6, "name": "position_ministry_id_source", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "ministerial portfolio for person", "comment": null} {"rowid": 251, "id": 305, "table_id": 50, "column_number": 4, "name": "position_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "ParlGov unique position identifier. Seniority of ministerial position.", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 46, "id": 50, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 15, "name": "portfolio", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "Commission portfolio", "comment": null} {"rowid": 105, "id": 128, "table_id": {"value": 27, "label": "viewcalc_election_parameter"}, "column_number": 7, "name": "polarization_vote", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "polarization index (Dalton 2008, 906) \u2013 vote share based with 'view_calc_party_position' left/right values ", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 420, "id": 525, "table_id": {"value": 27, "label": "viewcalc_election_parameter"}, "column_number": 8, "name": "polarization_seats", "type": "real", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "polarization index (Dalton 2008, 906) \u2013 seats share based with 'view_calc_party_position' left/right values ", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 72, "id": 84, "table_id": {"value": 5, "label": "cabinet_party"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "pm", "type": "binary", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "indicates if the party fills the prime minster position", "comment": null} {"rowid": 39, "id": 42, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 6, "name": "person_id_source", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "textual string with the person name in the data source of the observation", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 410, "id": 513, "table_id": {"value": 73, "label": "politician_president"}, "column_number": 6, "name": "person_id_source", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 38, "id": 41, "table_id": {"value": 20, "label": "external_commissioner_doering"}, "column_number": 5, "name": "person_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "ParlGov unique person identifier. Other tables refer to this variable as 'person_id'.", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 409, "id": 512, "table_id": {"value": 73, "label": "politician_president"}, "column_number": 5, "name": "person_id", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 352, "id": 441, "table_id": 68, "column_number": 6, "name": "passed", "type": null, "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 315, "id": 387, "table_id": {"value": 56, "label": "external_party_ray"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "partyid", "type": "integer", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "Ray (1999) expert survey party ID", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 252, "id": 306, "table_id": {"value": 52, "label": "view_party"}, "column_number": 3, "name": "party_name_short", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "party abbreviation", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 275, "id": 336, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 8, "name": "party_name_short", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "party abbreviation", "comment": null} {"rowid": 286, "id": 351, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 11, "name": "party_name_short", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "party abbreviation", "comment": null} {"rowid": 253, "id": 307, "table_id": {"value": 52, "label": "view_party"}, "column_number": 4, "name": "party_name_english", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "English name of party", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 277, "id": 339, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 10, "name": "party_name_english", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "English name of party", "comment": null} {"rowid": 288, "id": 353, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 13, "name": "party_name_english", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "English name of party", "comment": null} {"rowid": 254, "id": 308, "table_id": {"value": 52, "label": "view_party"}, "column_number": 6, "name": "party_name_ascii", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "original name of party without special characters (this one may be easier to handle with in statistical packages)", "comment": ""} {"rowid": 276, "id": 338, "table_id": {"value": 53, "label": "view_election"}, "column_number": 9, "name": "party_name", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "original name of party with native characters (this field may require a change of character encodings on your local computer)", "comment": null} {"rowid": 287, "id": 352, "table_id": {"value": 54, "label": "view_cabinet"}, "column_number": 12, "name": "party_name", "type": "text", "comment_entry": 0, "incomplete": 0, "description": "original name of party with native characters (this field may require a change of character encodings on your local computer)", "comment": null}