rowid,name_short,name_english,name,name_nonlatin,description,comment,party_fts,rank 1,TOP09,Tradition Responsibility Prosperity 09,Tradice Odpovědnost Prosperita 09,,Party formed on 11 June 2009 as a split of the Christian Democratic Union (KDU-CSL) by MP Miroslav Kalousek.,,114, 2,KNP,Catholic National Party,Katholieke Nationale Partij,,,,114, 3,PNP,People's New Party,Kokumin Shinto,国民新党,,,114, 4,PU|PC,Humanist Party | Conservative Party,Partidul Umanist | Partidul Conservator,,"New party formed on 18 December 1991. Party was renamed into Conservative Party (PC) on 7 May 2005. PC merged with Liberal Reformist Party (PLR) into Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) on 19 June 2015. PC members who did not want to merge into ALDE formed Social Liberal Humanist Party (PUSL) on 28 September 2015.",2015 change coded as one party to avoid high number of short lived parties in ParlGov,114, 5,NO,New Horizons,Neoi Orizontes,Νέοι Ορίζοντες,New party formed in 1996.,,114, 6,APU,United People Alliance,Aliança Povo Unido,,,,114, 7,KSII,Simeon II Coalition,Koalitsiya Simeon II,Коалиция Симеон II,Minor party supporting king but different to National Movement Simeon II (NDSV).,,114, 8,SLS,Slovenian People's Party,Slovenska ljudska stranka,,,SLS merged with SKD 15 April 2000 to form the SLS + SKD Slovenian People's Party in 2000 but the party was renamed into SLS in 2001.,114, 9,Hf,Resistance Movement,Hjemmefronten,,,,114, 10,SoPr,Labour Solidarity,Solidarność Pracy,,New party formed in 1990. ,,114, 11,HSD-SMS,Movement for Self-Governing Democracy -- Society for Moravia and Silesia,Hnutí za samosprávnou demokracii – Společnost pro Moravu a Slezsko,,New party formed on 4 April 1990.,,114, 12,PSNS,Real Slovak National Party,Pravá Slovenská národná strana,,,,114, 13,LZP,Lithuanian Green Party,Lietuvos žalioji partija,,,,114, 14,SK,Independent Royalists,Sõltumatud Kuningriiklased,,,,114, 15,FDP-PRD,Radical Democratic Party,Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei der Schweiz – Parti Radical-Democratique Suisse,,,,114, 16,NKP,Communist Party of Norway,Norges Kommunistiske Parti,,,,114, 17,LLRA,Election Action of Lithuania's Poles,Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija,,New party formed on 28 August 1994.,,114, 18,CNSP,Czech National Social(ist) Party,Česká národně strana socialistická,,Party merged with National Socialists - 21st Century Left (LEV21) on 26 November 2011.,,114, 19,none,no party affiliation,no party affiliation,,,,114, 20,Mo,Heritage,Morasha,מורשה‎,,,114, 21,TSP,National Harmony Party,Tautas Saskaņas Partija,,,,114, 22,SP-PS,Social Democratic Party of Switzerland,Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz – Parti Socialiste Suisse,,,,114, 23,FW,Free Voters,Freie Wähler,,New party formed on 24 January 2009. ,,114, 24,LTF,Popular Front of Latvia,Latvijas Tautas fronte,,,,114, 25,KSS,Communist Party of Slovakia,Komunistická strana Slovenska,,Party formed on 28 August 1992. ,,114, 26,ND,New Democracy,Néa Đimokratía,Νέα Δημοκρατία,,,114, 27,FPO,Freedom Party of Austria,Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs,,New party formed on 26 March 1949.,,114, 28,DCA,Christian Democracy for the Autonomies,Democrazia Cristiana per le Autonomie,,,,114, 29,Sfvm,Union of Liberals and Leftist,Samtök frjálslyndra og vinstri manna,,Party split from People's Alliance (Ab) after it turned from an electoral alliance into a party. It included former members of the National Preservation Party (Thva) and Hannibal Valdimarsson from the Social Democratic Party.,,114, 30,LT,List for Trieste,Lista per Trieste,,New party formed in 1978. ,,114, 31,DSB|DB,Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria | Democratic Bulgaria,Demokrati za Silna Balgariya | Demokratichna Balgariya,Демократи за силна България | Демократична България,"Party Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria (DSB) formed on 30 May 2004 by Ivan Kostov as a split of the Union of Democratic Forces (SDS). DSB formed an electoral alliance Democratic Bulgaria (DB) on 12 April 2018 with Yes, Bulgaria! (DaB) and a parliamentary group after 2021 elections.",,114, 32,none,no party affiliation,no party affiliation,,,,114, 33,IR|DL,Independent Republicans | Liberal Democracy,Independants républicains | Démocratie libérale,,,,114, 34,O,Courage,Ometz,אומץ‎,,,114, 35,UCDCC,Union of Centre and Christian Democracy of Catalonia,Unió del Centre i la Democràcia Cristiana de Catalunya,,,,114, 36,LP-PL,Liberal Party,Liberale Partij – Parti libéral,,,,114, 37,SDA,Social Democratic Alternative,Sociálnodemokratická alternatíva,,,,114, 38,Mad,Hungarian national community,Madžarska narodna skupnost,,,,114, 39,AS,Aland Coalition,Åländsk Samling,,Electoral alliance formed for 1948 election.,,114, 40,CeD,Centre Right,Centro-destra,,,"Proxy party for centre right alliances that have formed since the 1990s. ",114, 41,ARM,Ruiz-Mateos List,Agrupación Ruiz-Mateos,,New party formed on 30 August 1989. ,"Van der Eijk and Franklin 1999, p. 469",114, 42,Si,Forward (Greenland),Siumut,,New party formed on 29 July 1977.,,114, 43,DZJ,Pensioners for a Secure Living,Důchodci za životní jistoty,,New party movement formed in March 1990 and transformed into a party in 1994.,,114, 44,SV,Socialist Left Party,Sosialistisk Venstreparti,,"Party formed on 16 March 1975 as a merger of the Communist Party of Norway (NKP), Socialist People's Party (SF) and independent socialists. ",,114, 45,PSN,National Solidarity Party,Partido da Solidariedade Nacional,,New party registered on 13 March 1991.,,114, 46,SDF,Socialist Democratic Federation,Shaminren,社会民主連合,,,114, 47,MP,Middle Party,Midden Partij,,New party formed in 1970.,,114, 48,LIBRA,Party of Liberal Democrats,LIBRA – Stranka liberalnih demokrata,,Party formed on 21 September 2002.,,114, 49,CnP,Republican Party,Clann na Poblachta,,New party formed in 1946.,,114, 50,PRI,Republican Party,Partito Repubblicano Italiano,,,,114, 51,KESK,Centre Party,Keskusta,,,,114, 52,MIEP,Hungarian Justice and Life Party,Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja,,,,114, 53,CCD,Christian Democratic Centre,Centro Cristiano Democratico,,,,114, 54,DNA,Norwegian Labour Party,Det norske Arbeiderparti,,New party formed on 22 August 1887.,,114, 55,Sh,Peace-Zion,Shlomtzion,שלומציון‎,,,114, 56,PPM,Popular Monarchist Party,Partido Popular Monárquico,,New party formed on 23 May 1974.,,114, 57,S,Solidarnosc,Solidarność,,,,114, 58,KPEiR,National Party of Pensioners and Retired,Krajowa Partia Emerytów i Rencistów,,New party formed on 5 June 1994. ,,114, 59,MDP,Nationalist Democratic Party,Milliyetçi Demokrasi Partisi,,Party was dissolved on 4 May 1986.,,114, 60,AOV|VSP,General Senior Union | United Seniors Party,Algemeen Ouderen Verbond | Verenigde Senioren Partij,,New party formed on 1 December 1993.,,114, 61,ERe,Estonian Reform Party,Eesti Reformierakond,,,,114, 62,MP,Maori Party,Māori Party,,Party formed on 7 July 2004.,,114, 63,PCE|IU,Communist Party | United Left,Partido Communista | Izquierda Unida,,,,114, 64,CSP,Christian Social Party,Christlich Soziale Partei,,,,114, 65,AD,Australian Democrats,Australian Democrats,,,,114, 66,IP,Left of the Peoples,Izquierda de los Pueblos,,,,114, 67,none,no party affiliation,no party affiliation,,,,114, 68,CDU,United Christian Democrats,Cristiani Democratici Uniti,,,,114, 69,SDKU-DS,Slovak Democratic and Christian Union -- Democratic Party,Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia – Demokratická strana,,Party formed on 18 February 2000 as split from Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) by PM Mikuláš Dzurinda. It was based on Slovak Democratic Coalition (SDK) alliance. ,,114, 70,none,no party affiliation,no party affiliation,,,,114, 71,none,no party affiliation,no party affiliation,,,,114, 72,UCD,Union of the Democratic Centre,Unión de Centro Democrático,,,,114, 73,DZ,Centre Party,Deutsche Zentrumspartei,,,,114, 74,RPR,Rally for the Republic,Rassemblement pour la république,,,,114, 75,SKYP,Finnish People's Unity Party,Suomen kansan yhtenäisyyden puolueen – Finlands folks enhetsparti,,Most MPs from the Rural Party (SMP) formed a new parliamentary group on 17 October 1972 and the party was registered on 29 December 1972.,,114, 76,Grue,Greens,Grüne – Écologiste,,New party formed in 1971. ,,114, 77,PPI,Italian People's Party,Partito Popolare Italiano,,,,114, 78,DS,Democratic Party,Demokratska stranka,,,,114, 79,KL,Women's Alliance,Kvennalistinn,,New party formed in 1983.,,114, 80,ROP,Movement for the Reconstruction of Poland,Ruch Odbudowy Polski,,,,114, 81,KPL,Communist Party of Luxembourg,Kommunistesch Partei Lëtzebuerg,,New party formed on 2 January 1921. ,,114, 82,GDC,Democratic Group of the Centre,Grupul Democrat de Centru,,,,114, 83,LNPQ,Liberal National Party of Queensland,Liberal National Party of Queensland,,,,114, 84,NL,National Labour Party,National Labour Party,,,,114, 85,Ecolo,Confederated ecologists for the organisation of original struggles,Écologistes Confédérés pour l'organisation de luttes originales,,,,114, 86,DRP,Democratic Reform Party,Min-kai-ren,民主改革連合,New party formed in 1989. ,,114, 87,BSP-PSB,Belgian Socialist Party,Belgische Socialistische Partij – Parti Socialiste Belge,,,,114, 88,NLC,New Liberal Club,Shin-jiyū-kurabu,新自由クラブ,,,114, 89,FN,National Front,Front National,,New party formed in 1895.,,114, 90,MSFT,Fiamma Tricolore,Fiamma Tricolore,,,,114, 91,d-gauche,other left,divers gauche,,,Formally no party but group of independ left MPs.,114, 92,SDS,Slovenian Democratic Party,Slovenska demokratska stranka,,,Difficult to classify party family due to a change from an originally Centre-Left to a Centre-Right to a Right-Wing party.,114, 93,LiD,Left and Democrats,Lewica i Demokraci,,,,114, 94,X,Party X,Partia X,,New party formed on 10 December 1991. ,,114, 95,NCP|NPA,National (Country) Party | National Party of Australia,National (Country) Party | National Party of Australia,,,,114, 96,DRP,German Reich Party,Deutsche Reichspartei,,The party was founded in the year 1950 as a merger of the Deutsche Konservative Partei – Deutsche Rechtspartei and the Nationaldemokratische Partei (Hesse).,,114, 97,LA,Independent Liberals,Libralim Atzma'im,ליברלים עצמאיים‎,,,114, 98,VS,Left Socialists,Venstresocialisterne,,,,114, 99,LVLS,Lithuanian Peasant Union,Lietuvos valstiečių sąjunga,,,,114, 100,SZ,Green Party,Strana zelených,,New party formed on 9 December 1989.,,114,