Data source: ParlGov · About: simonw/parlgov-datasette
rowid | ename | name | external_party_ray_fts | rank |
1 | Belgian Communist Party | Parti Communiste Belge | 5 | |
2 | Socialist Party (Wallon) | Parti Socialiste | 5 | |
3 | Socialist Party (Flemish) | Socialistiche Partij | 5 | |
4 | Ecologists (Wallon) | Ecolo | 5 | |
5 | Ecologists (Flemish) | Agalev | 5 | |
6 | Liberal Party (Flemish) | Vlaamse Liberalen en Demokraten | 5 | |
7 | Liberal Party (Wallon) | Parti Reformateur Liberal | 5 | |
8 | Christian Social Party | Parti Social Chretien | 5 | |
9 | Christian Peoples Party | Christelijke Volkspartij | 5 | |
10 | Peoples Union | Volksunie | 5 | |
11 | Francophone Democratic Front | Front Democratique Francophone | 5 | |
12 | Flemish Bloc | Vlaams Bloc | 5 | |
13 | Rossem | Rossem | 5 | |
14 | Democratic Union for the Respect of Labour (Wal | Union Democratique pour le Respect pour du Trav | 5 | |
15 | Democratic Union for the Respect of Labour (Fle | Respect Voor Arbeid en Demokratie | 5 | |
16 | Social Democrats | Socialdemokratiet | 5 | |
17 | Radical Party | Radikale Venstre | 5 | |
18 | Conservatives | Konservative Folkparti | 5 | |
19 | Centre Democrats | Centrum Demokraterne | 5 | |
20 | Justice Party | Retsforbundet | 5 | |
21 | Socialist Peoples Party | Socialistisk Folkparti | 5 | |
22 | The Greens | De Gronne | 5 | |
23 | Danish Communist Party | Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti | 5 | |
24 | Common Course | Faelles Kurs | 5 | |
25 | Christian Peoples Party | Kristeligt Folkparti | 5 | |
26 | Liberals | Venstre | 5 | |
27 | Progress Party | Fremskridtsparteiet | 5 | |
28 | Red/Green Unity List | Rod Gronne Enhedslisten | 5 | |
29 | Left Socialist Party | Venstre Socialisterne | 5 | |
30 | Christian Democratic Union | Christlich Demokratische Union | 5 | |
31 | Social Democratic Party | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | 5 | |
32 | Free Democratic Party | Freie Demokratische Partei | 5 | |
33 | The Greens | Die Grunen | 5 | |
34 | Republican Party | Republikaaner | 5 | |
35 | Party of Democratic Socialism | Partei der Demokratischen Sozialismus | 5 | |
36 | German Communist Party | Deutsche Kommunistische Partei | 5 | |
37 | Christian Social Union | Christlich Soziale Union | 5 | |
38 | Pan Hellenic Socialist Movement | Panellenio Sosialistiko Kinema | 5 | |
39 | New Democracy | Nea Dimokratia | 5 | |
40 | Left Progressive Alliance/(KKI) | Synapismos Aristeras kai tis Proodou/(KKI) | 5 | |
41 | Communist Party of Greece (exterior) | Kommounistiko Komma Elladas/(KKE) | 5 | |
42 | DIANA Democratic Renewal | Demokratike Ananeose | 5 | |
43 | Ecologists Alternatives | Ecologi Enallaktiki | 5 | |
44 | New Left Current | Neo Aristero Revma | 5 | |
45 | Political Spring | Politiki Anixi | 5 | |
46 | Democratic Social Movement | Dimokratico Kinonico Kinime | 5 | |
47 | Spanish Socialist Workers Party | Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol | 5 | |
48 | Popular Party | Partido Popular | 5 | |
49 | Democratic and Social Center | Centro Democratico Social | 5 | |
50 | United Left | Izqueirda Unida | 5 | |
51 | Convergence and Union | Convergencia I Unio | 5 | |
52 | Basque Nationalist Party | Partido Nacionalista Vasco | 5 | |
53 | Basque Unity | Euzko Alkastasuna | 5 | |
54 | United People | Herri Batasuna | 5 | |
55 | Basque Left | Eukadiko Eskerra | 5 | |
56 | Aragonese Regionalist Party | Partido Aragones Regionalista | 5 | |
57 | Catalan Republican Left | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya | 5 | |
58 | Valencian Union | Union Valencia | 5 | |
59 | Galician Nationalist Block | Bloque Nacionalista Popolar Galego | 5 | |
60 | Green Party | Partido Verde | 5 | |
61 | Ecologist Greens | Verdes Ecologistas | 5 | |
62 | Andalusian Party | Partido Andalucista | 5 | |
63 | French Communist Party | Parti Communiste Francais | 5 | |
64 | Socialist Party | Parti Socialiste | 5 | |
65 | Radical Left Movement | Movement des Radicaux de Gauche | 5 | |
66 | Unified Socialist Party | Parti Socialiste Unifiee | 5 | |
67 | The Greens | Les Verts | 5 | |
68 | Republican Party | UDF Parti Republican | 5 | |
69 | Social and Democratic Center | UDF Centre Democrat et Social | 5 | |
70 | Radicals | UDF Radicaux | 5 | |
71 | Rally for the Republic | Rassemblement pour la Republique | 5 | |
72 | National Front | Front National | 5 | |
73 | Ecology Generation | Generation Ecologie | 5 | |
74 | Movement for France | Movement pour la France | 5 | |
75 | Warriors of Destiny | Fianna Fail | 5 | |
76 | Tribe of Gaels | Fine Gael | 5 | |
77 | Labour | Labour | 5 | |
78 | Workers Party | Workers Party | 5 | |
79 | Greens | Greens | 5 | |
80 | Progressive Democratic Party | Progressive Democratic Party | 5 | |
81 | Ourselves | Sinn Fein | 5 | |
82 | Democratic Socialist Party | Democratic Socialist Party | 5 | |
83 | Democratic Left Party | Democratic Left Party | 5 | |
84 | Christian Democrats/Popular Party | Partito Popolare | 5 | |
85 | Democratic Party of the Left | Partito Democratico della Sinistra | 5 | |
86 | Refounded Communists | Partito Rifondazione Communista | 5 | |
87 | Italian Socialists | Socialisi Italiani | 5 | |
88 | National Alliance | Allainza Nationale | 5 | |
89 | Republican Party | Partito Repubblicano Italiano | 5 | |
90 | Italian Social Democratic Party | Partito Socialista Democratica Italiano | 5 | |
91 | The Green List | Le Liste Verdi | 5 | |
92 | Pannella List | Panella Lista | 5 | |
93 | Liberal Party | Partito Liberale Italiano | 5 | |
94 | Northern League | Lega Nord | 5 | |
95 | The Network | La Rete | 5 | |
96 | Radical Party | Partito Radicale | 5 | |
97 | Christian Democratic Center | Centro Cristiana Democratico | 5 | |
98 | Go Italy | Forza Italia | 5 | |
99 | Proletarian Democracy | Democrazia Proletaria | 5 | |
100 | Union of the Democratic Center | Union della Centro Democratico | 5 | |
101 | Christian Social Peoples Party | Creschtlech sozial vollekspartei | 5 |